Index |
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sɑ˥ sɑ˥ sɑ˧bo#˥ sɑ˧pʰv˧˥ sɑ˧tɕɯ˧ sɑ˧tsʰv˩ sɑ˧ | -zo˩bv˥-li˩ sɑ˩mi˩ sɑ˩tsʰi˩ sɑ˩tsʰi˩ sɑ˧˥
se˥ se˧ se˧gi#˥ se˧kʰɯ˩ se˧mi#˥ se˧nɑ#˥ se˧pʰɤ˧ se˧pʰv#˥ se˧ʂɯ˩ se˧zo#˥
se˩di˩ se˩gwɤ˩mi˥ sɤ˥ sɤ˧ɭɯ˩ sɤ˧sɤ˧˥ sɤ˧tʰo˧˥ sɤ˧tsi˥ sɤ˩˥ si˥
si˧bv˧ si˧bv˧-mi#˥ si˧bv˧-zo#˥ si˧ɕi˧˥ si˧dzi˩ si˧dzi˩-mv˩tsɯ˩ si˧dʑɯ˥ si˧gɯ˧ si˧gɯ˧-mi˩ si˧gɯ˧-pʰv#˥ si˧gɯ˧-tsʰo#˥ si˧gɯ˧-zo#˥ si˧kɤ˧˥ si˧kwɤ˩ si˧kʰɯ#˥ si˧kʰɯ˧-ɭɯ˧bv˥ si˧nɑ˥ si˧qʰwæ˩ si˧-ʁæ˧bæ˥ si˧ʁo#˥ si˧ʁo˧si˧ɭɯ#˥ si˧-sæ˥qʰv˩ si˧tʰv#˥ si˩qʰɑ˩ si˩tsʰɤ˩ si˧˥ si˧˥ si˩˥ so˥ so˥
so˧dʑɯ#˥ so˧hɑ̃˩ so˧hwɤ˩ so˧ʝi˥$ so˧lo˧ so˧ɬi˧mi˧ so˧ɲi˥ so˧tsʰi˥ so˧tsʰi˧ so˧tsʰɯ˧ɲi˧ so˩
so˩~so˧˥ so˧˥ sɯ˥ sɯ˥
sɯ˧gv#˥ sɯ˧kʰɯ˩ sɯ˧mɤ˩ sɯ˧pv˧-sɯ˥nɑ˩ sɯ˧pv˩ sɯ˧pv˩-ni˩gv˩ sɯ˧pʰi˧ sɯ˧pʰi˧-zo˧ sɯ˧ɻæ˧ sɯ˧ɻ˧ sɯ˧ɻ̃#˥ sɯ˧ɻ̃˧mi#˥ sɯ˧sɯ˩ sɯ˧tsɯ˧ sɯ˧tsɯ˩ sɯ˧ʈv˥ sɯ˧zɯ#˥
sɯ˩pv˩ sɯ˩ɻ˩ sɯ˩tʰi˩ sɯ˩tʰi˩-kʰɯ˥ʑi˩
sɑ˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: qʰwæ˧˥ classifier: filaments avant le filage flax. 亚麻. plant. classifier: qʰwæ˧˥ classifier: filaments avant le filage hemp. 火麻/胡麻. plant.
sɑ˥ classifier Tone: H*.
. classifier.
- ɖɯ˧-sɑ˥ | mɤ˧-dʑo˧!
- There is simply nothing at all! (A polite statement made by the host when welcoming a guest for a meal, apologizing, in self-deprecation, for not offering a meal commensurate to one's wishes.)
- 一样也没有! / 没什么东西!(请客时的礼貌、自我贬低说法:请客人原谅菜不够丰盛)
See: so˥2
sɑ˧bo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: nɑ˧ distaff. 卷线杆. object.
- sɑ˧bo˧-di˧˥
- same meaning
- 同上
sɑ˧pʰv˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ linen_thread. 麻线. object.
- sɑ˧pʰv˧-sɑ˧jɤ˥
- linen thread
- 麻线
sɑ˧tɕɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ vagina. 女生殖器. body.
sɑ˧tsʰv˩ noun Tone: L#.
From: Chinese
. 酸醋::vinegar.
. food. See: tsʰv˩˥
sɑ˧ | -zo˩bv˥-li˩ noun Tone: M-LH-.
universe. 宇宙. natural environment.
sɑ˩mi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ marijuana. 大麻. plant.
- sɑ˩mi˩-mæ˩ɻæ˥, | dzɯ˧-kv˩!
- Cannabis oil is edible!
- 大麻油,是可以吃的!
sɑ˩tsʰi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: nɑ˧ oar. 桨. object. See: sɑ˩tsʰi˩2
sɑ˩tsʰi˩ noun Tone: L.
instrument_to_stir_pigswill. 搅拌猪食的工具. object. See: sɑ˩tsʰi˩1
sɑ˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_deliver. 运送. verb.
- le˧-sɑ˧-tʰi˥-ki˩
- to deliver (to someone's place)
- 送(东西到人家里)
classifier Tone: MHa.
. classifier.
- ʂe˧sɑ˩ | ɖɯ˧-sɑ˧˥
- a salted, smoked hog leg
- 一只腊猪脚
se˥ verb Tone: H.
to_walk. 走. verb.
- le˧-se˥-ze˩
- 走了
- se˧-ho˥-ze˩!
- [The baby] will soon walk / will soon be able to walk!
- (婴儿)很快就学会走路了!
- ʐɤ˩mi˩-qo˥ | so˩-hɑ̃˩ se˩˥
- to spend three days on the road, to make a trip that lasts three days
- 走在路上三天时间、走三天
se˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ goral. 岩羊. animal.
se˧gi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
Tibetan_name_of_Gemu_mountain. 格姆山的藏语名字. place name.
- se˧gi˧-kɤ˩mv˩
- same meaning
- 同上
se˧kʰɯ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ satin. 缎子. clothing.
se˧mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: mi˩ female_goral. 母岩羊. animal.
se˧nɑ#˥ adjective Tone: #H.
stingy. 吝啬. adjective.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | se˧nɑ˧-hĩ˧ ɖɯ˧-v˧ ɲi˩!
- It's a stingy person!
- 他是一个吝啬的人!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ə˧-se˧nɑ˧? - se˧nɑ˧ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- Is he stingy? - Oh yes, very much so!
- 他吝啬吗? - 非常吝啬!
se˧pʰɤ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ fuss. 大惊小怪. abstract.
- se˧pʰɤ˧ ʝi˧
- to make a big fuss about something
- 小事大作
se˧pʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: mi˩ male_goral. 公岩羊. animal.
se˧ʂɯ˩ verb Tone: L#.
to_waste. 浪费. verb.
- ɖwæ˧˥ | se˧ʂɯ˩!
- It's a waste!
- 很浪费! / 太浪费了!
se˧zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ baby_goral. 小岩羊. animal.
verb Tone: La.
to_finish. 完成. verb.
- le˧-ʝi˥ | le˧-se˩-ze˩!
- It's done and finished! / (I) have finished (the job)!
- 做完了! / 完成了!
- le˧-se˧~se˥-ze˩!
- It's finished, it's completed! / It's now over and done with!
- 完成了!
- mɤ˧-se˩
- It's not finished!
- 没有完!
- se˩˥ | -dʑo˩, | se˩-mɤ˩-tʰɑ˩˥! | dʑɤ˩˥ | -dʑo˩, | dʑɤ˩-kʰɯ˧ tʰɑ˥!
- A comment about linguistic documentation, summarizing an explanation provided by a student: "One cannot complete the task (=one cannot collect everything: every single word, every single turn of phrase, every single story...); but one can do nice things (=collect stories which constitute complete, interesting documents)".
- (想做)完,但是没办法做完!不过最后还是可以做得很好!(情景:谈及收集语言的工作)
se˩di˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: nɑ˧ saw. 锯. object.
se˩gwɤ˩mi˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
classifier: mi˩ vulture. 雕. animal.
- se˩gwɤ˩mi˥-pʰv˩
- male vulture
- 公雕
- se˩gwɤ˩mi˥-zo˩
- baby vulture
- 小雕
- se˩gwɤ˩mi˥-ʈʂʰɯ˩, | mi˩ ɲi˥!
- This vulture is a female!
- 这只雕是母的!
sɤ˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ʈʰɤ˥ blood. 血. body.
sɤ˧ɭɯ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: kʰɤ˧˥ classifier: ɭɯ˧ pear. 梨子. plant.
sɤ˧sɤ˧˥ adjective Tone: MH#.
pleasant. 舒畅. adjective.
- si˧dzi˩-ʈʰæ˩qo˩dzi˩, | sɤ˧sɤ˧˥ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- Being seated under this tree is especially pleasant!
- 在树下坐着,感到很舒畅!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧-ɳɯ˧ | ɖɯ˧-ɖʐɯ˩ gwɤ˩-dʑo˩, | sɤ˧sɤ˧˥ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- He has sung for a while; it was really pleasant!
- 他唱了一会,真舒畅!
sɤ˧tʰo˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: dzi˩ pine_sp. 一种松树. plant.
- sɤ˧tʰo˧-dzi˧˥
- same meaning
- 同上
sɤ˧tsi˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ vein. 血管. body.
sɤ˩˥ noun Tone: LH.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ mole. 黑痣. body.
si˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ wood. 木头. house.
- si˧-mo˩
- dead wood
- 枯木
verb Tone: Ma.
to_choose. 挑选. verb.
- le˧-si˧-ze˧
- 选了
- no˧ si˧-bi˧!
- You choose! / Go ahead and choose!
- 你要选!
- njɤ˧-ɳɯ˧ si˧-bi˧!
- I choose! / Let me choose!
- 是我来选!
- le˧-si˥~si˩
- tso˧~tso˧ si˩
- to choose things
- 选东西
- tso˧~tso˧ si˧~si˥
- to choose things
- 选选东西
- dʑɤ˩-hĩ˥ | si˧
- to choose good ones
- 挑好的
si˧bv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: v˧ evil_spirit. 鬼. religion.
si˧bv˧-mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ female_evil_spirit. 妖精. religion.
si˧bv˧-zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ masculine_evil_spirit. 男鬼. religion.
si˧ɕi˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: pʰæ˧˥ forest. 森林. natural environment.
- tʰo˧ɕi˧˥
- pine forest
- 松树森林
si˧dzi˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: dzi˩, ʝi˧ tree. 树. plant.
si˧dzi˩-mv˩tsɯ˩ noun Tone: #L-L.
rootlet. 胚根. plant.
si˧dʑɯ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ kindling. 火煤. object.
si˧gɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: mi˩ From: Tibetan senggeསེང་གེ. སེང་གེ::lion. 狮子. animal.
si˧gɯ˧-mi˩ noun Tone: °L.
classifier: mi˩ lioness. 母狮. animal.
si˧gɯ˧-pʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: mi˩ male_lion. 公狮子. animal.
si˧gɯ˧-tsʰo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
Lion_Dance. 狮子舞. society.
si˧gɯ˧-zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ classifier: mi˩ cub. 小狮子. animal.
si˧kɤ˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ branch. 树枝. plant.
si˧kwɤ˩ noun Tone: #L.
classifier: kwɤ˩ wooden_structure. 木头框架. house.
- ʑi˧mi˧-si˧kwɤ˩
- a house's carpentry, a house's wooden structure
- 房子的木头框架
si˧kʰɯ#˥ noun Tone: H#.
Chinese_peony. 白芍药. plant. See:
si˧kʰɯ˧-ɭɯ˧bv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ Chinese_peony. 白芍药. plant. See: si˧kʰɯ#˥
si˧nɑ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: pʰæ˧˥ deep_forest. 森林深处. natural environment.
si˧qʰwæ˩ verb
to_chop(wood). 劈/剖. verb.
si˧-ʁæ˧bæ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ wooden_plate. 木盘子. object.
si˧ʁo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: dzi˩ fruit_tree. 果树. plant.
si˧ʁo˧si˧ɭɯ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ fruit. 水果. plant.
- si˧ʁo˧si˧ɭɯ˧ ɲi˥
- 是水果。
si˧-sæ˥qʰv˩ noun Tone: #H.
birch. 白桦树. plant.
si˧tʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
altar_of_ancestors_in_main_room. 主屋里的供桌. religion.
- ʑi˧dv˧-nv˩mi˩, | si˧tʰv˧!
- The heart of the house is the altar to the ancestors!
- 屋子的中心,就是祖先的供桌!
si˩qʰɑ˩ noun Tone: L.
plum. 梅子. plant.
- si˩qʰɑ˩-dʑɯ˩
- a liquid prepared from plums, which served as an equivalent of vinegar (vinegar was introduced late: it was bought in Chinese areas)
- 用梅子做的一种汁,用法类似于醋。过去,永宁没有醋,醋是从内地买来的。
si˩tsʰɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: tsʰɤ˧˥ leaf. 叶子. plant.
- si˧dzi˩-si˩tsʰɤ˩
- tree leaf
- 树叶
cock's_comb. 鸡冠.
- æ˧ʂwæ˥-si˩tsʰɤ˩
- comb of (a) cock
- 公鸡冠
si˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_shave/to_scrub. 剔/刮. verb.
- mo˧ si˥
- to scrub mushrooms (to take off the earth, moss...)
- 刮菌子(刮掉污垢)
- mv˧tsɯ˧ si˥
- to shave (one's) beard
- 刮胡子
- ʁo˧qʰwɤ˩ si˩
- to shave one's head
- 剃头
- ʁo˧qʰwɤ˩ si˩-di˩
- Razor: object used to shave the head or the beard. (In the main consultant's youth, not every family had a razor. One would call someone to the house to shave the head or the beard. It was mostly monks and elderly people who had their heads and beards shaved.)
- 理发刮刀
si˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_assassinate. 杀(人). verb.
- hĩ˧ si˩
- to kill someone
- 杀人
si˩˥ noun Tone: LH.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ liver. 肝. body.
so˥ noun Tone: #H.
morning_offering_to_the_gods. 早上献给神的食物. religion.
- so˧ dze˧ tʰi˧-qæ˩
- to burn honey as an offering
- 烧蜂蜜献给神
- so˧ qæ˩
- to burn an offering
- 烧献给神(食物,……)
so˥ classifier Tone: H*.
. classifier.
- ɖɯ˧-so˥ | mɤ˧-dʑo˧!
- There is simply nothing at all! (A polite statement made by the host when welcoming a guest for a meal, apologizing, in self-deprecation, for not offering a meal commensurate to one's wishes.)
- 一样也没有! / 没什么东西!(请客时的礼貌、自我贬低说法:请客人原谅菜不够丰盛)
classifier Tone: Ma.
. time.
- mv˩si˧-njɤ˧˥ | ɖɯ˧-so˧, | njɤ˧le˧gv˧ | ɖɯ˧-ɲi˥, | mv˧kʰv˥ | ɖɯ˧-hɑ̃˧˥!
- One morning; one day; [or] one night! (A sentence that summarizes the three ways to count days: a day can be referred to as "one morning", "one day", or "one night".)
- 一个早晨,一个白天,(或者说)一个晚上!(这句话,总结数日子的三个方式:‘一天’,可以说成‘一个早晨’、‘一个白天’、或‘一个晚上’。)
- tʰv˧-so˩
- that morning
- 那天早上
so˧dʑɯ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
: nɑ˧ pitfall. 陷阱. object.
- so˧dʑɯ˧ | ɖɯ˧-ɭɯ˧ | qwæ˧˥
- to dig a pitfall, to dig a trap
- 挖一个陷阱
so˧hɑ̃˩ adverb Tone: L#.
tomorrow_evening. 明晚. time.
- so˧hɑ̃˩ | -ɖɯ˩hɑ̃˩˥
- tomorrow evening
- 明天晚上
so˧hwɤ˩ adverb Tone: L#.
afterwards/from_now_on. 以后/从此以后. time.
so˧ʝi˥$ adverb Tone: H$.
next_year. 明年. time.
so˧lo˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ influence. 影响. abstract.
- so˧lo˧ dzɑ˧! | mɤ˧-dʑɤ˩-hĩ˩ | ɖɯ˧-ʑi˩ ɲi˩!
- He/she has a bad influence / he/she gives a bad example! (His/her family) is a bad family!
- 他(对周围的人)有一个不好的影响!(他的家庭)是个不好的家庭!
- so˧lo˧ mɤ˧-dʑɤ˩!
- Same meaning as previous example: His/her example/influence is not good.
- 同上:(他对别人的)影响不好。
- so˧lo˧ dʑɤ˩
- good influence; good example; good education
- 好榜样、好例子、好教育
so˧ɬi˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
3rd_month. 三月. time.
so˧ɲi˥ adverb
tomorrow. 明天. time.
so˧tsʰi˥ verb
to_breathe. 呼吸. verb.
- so˧tsʰi˥ | ʐwæ˩˥
- to breathe heavily, to pant
- 喘气
- mɤ˧-so˧tsʰi˥
- 不喘气
so˧tsʰi˧ numeral
30. 30. number.
so˧tsʰɯ˧ɲi˧ noun
30th_day. 三十号. time.
so˩ numeral Tone: L.
3. 3. number.
adjective Tone: La.
good(taste/smell). 香. adjective.
verb Tone: La.
to_study. 学习. verb.
- tʰæ˧ɻæ˩ so˩
- to study (books)
- 读书、学习
- so˩ mɤ˩-se˥!
- There's no end of it! / One is never done with studying! (A comment about the linguist's endeavour to study a language: unlike manual work, it is never really finished.)
- 学不完!(关于语言学家的工作:做不完,不像做手工可以有一个明确的终点。)
- ɖɯ˧-so˧~so˥-ɻ˩
- to study a little
- 学一学
to_imitate. 模仿. verb.
- tʰv˧ tʰɑ˧-so˧˥!
- Don't follow his example! / Don't do like him!
- 别学他! / 别做得像他一样!
to_teach. 教. verb.
- tʰæ˧ɻæ˩ so˩
- to teach
- 教书
- njɤ˧-ɳɯ˧ | no˧ so˧-bi˧!
- I'm going to teach you! / Let me teach you!
so˩~so˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_rub_in_hands. 揉. verb.
- le˧-so˩~so˩
- 揉来揉去
so˧˥ noun Tone: MH.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ classifier: objets longs breath. 气. natural environment. vapour. 蒸汽.
- so˧ tʰv˥-ze˩
- Vapour is coming out.
- 热气冒出来了。
sɯ˥ verb Tone: H.
to_whet. 磨(刀). verb.
- ɖɯ˧-sɯ˧~sɯ˧-ɻ˥
- to whet a little
- 磨一磨
- sɯ˩tʰi˩ sɯ˩˥
- to whet a knife
- 磨刀
sɯ˥ verb Tone: H.
to_know. 知道. verb.
- mɤ˧-sɯ˥
- 不知道
verb Tone: Ma.
to_string. 串. verb.
- sɯ˧ɻ˧ sɯ˧
- to string beads
- 串珠
- le˧-sɯ˧-se˩-ze˩
- (I) have finished to string (beads)
- 串完了!
- tso˧~tso˧ sɯ˩
- to string things
- 串东西
to_put_on. 穿. verb.
- ʈʰæ˧qʰwɤ˧ sɯ˧
- to put on a skirt
- 穿裙子
sɯ˧gv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ box. 箱子. object.
sɯ˧kʰɯ˩ noun Tone: L#.
name_of_ritual. 斯克仪式. religion.
sɯ˧mɤ˩ noun Tone: L#.
purple_perilla. 紫苏. plant.
- sɯ˧mɤ˩, | ɬi˧di˩ | tv˧-kv˧˥!
- Purple perilla is cultivated in Yongning! / Purple perilla is among the crops that are grown in Yongning!
- 在永宁,有紫苏!/ 有人种紫苏!
- sɯ˧mɤ˩-dze˩
- candy containing purple perilla seeds
- 含紫苏的糖果
- sɯ˧mɤ˩-mæ˩ɻæ˩
- purple perilla oil
- 紫苏油
sɯ˧pv˧-sɯ˥nɑ˩ noun Tone: #H-.
classifier: mi˩ caterpillar. 毛虫. animal.
sɯ˧pv˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ bladder. 膀胱. body.
sɯ˧pv˩-ni˩gv˩ adjective Tone: L#-.
swollen. 膀肿. adjective.
sɯ˧pʰi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: v˧ nobleman. 贵族. society.
- ɖæ˩mi˧-sɯ˩pʰi˩
- the noblemen at the monastery
- 大寺贵族
- sɯ˧pʰi˧ hĩ˩
- the nobleman's subjects, the nobleman's people
- 贵族的臣子、贵族手下的人
sɯ˧pʰi˧-zo˧ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: v˧ young_nobleman. 少爷. society.
sɯ˧ɻæ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: pɤ˩ table. 桌子. object. See: ʈʂo˧tsɯ˥
sɯ˧ɻ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ bead. 珠. clothing.
sɯ˧ɻ̃#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: lo˩ tree_trunk. 树干. society.
- si˧dzi˩ tʰv˩-dzi˩, | sɯ˧ɻ̃˧ dʑɤ˥!
- This tree has a good trunk! (i.e. it is suitable for use in carpentry, making furniture...)
- 这是棵好树!(可以用做木料)
sɯ˧ɻ̃˧mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: dzi˩ classifier: cl des arbres backbone. 脊椎骨. body.
sɯ˧sɯ˩ adjective Tone: L#.
raw. 生. adjective.
- ʂe˧ sɯ˧~sɯ˥
- raw meat
- 生肉
- ʈʂe˧ sɯ˧~sɯ˥
- 'raw earth': immature soil, earth that has not been prepared for agriculture by adding manure, etc
- ‘生土’:没有经过加工(加肥料等等)的土,还不适合种农作物
sɯ˧tsɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: mi˩ From: Chinese
. 狮子::lion.
. animal.
sɯ˧tsɯ˩ noun Tone: L#.
camphor. 樟. plant.
- sɯ˧tsɯ˩-dzi˩
- camphor tree
- 樟树
sɯ˧ʈv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ callus. 茧子. body.
- hĩ˧ ʈʂʰɯ˧-v˧-bv˧ | mv˧ɲi˧, | sɯ˧ʈv˥ ʁo˩!
- This person's thumb has a callus / developed a callus!
- 这个人的拇指有茧子!
- sɯ˧ʈv˥ | mɤ˧-ʁo˩-ze˩!
- The callus is gone! / There is no callus anymore!
- 没有茧子了!
- sɯ˧ʈv˥ ʁo˩-ze˩!
- A callus has formed!
- 磨出了茧子!
sɯ˧zɯ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: lo˩, ʁwɤ˧ family_community. 家族/支系. society.
- sɯ˧zɯ˧ ɖɯ˧-lo˩
- one family community
- 一个支系,一条线
- sɯ˧zɯ˧ ɖɯ˧-ʁwɤ˧
- one family community
- 一个支系,一条线
- sɯ˧zɯ˧ ə˩-dʑo˩?
- Is there a (complete) family community? / Is the family large? (Question asked as part of discussions preliminary to marriage: Will the bride have a large family around her, be surrounded by a large family? A small family is considered much less attractive than a large one.)
- 家族齐全吗?/ 家族,人多吗?(谈婚姻前的题目之一:男方家族人多不多。以人多为好。)
verb Tone: La.
to_live. 活. verb.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ tʰi˧-sɯ˩-dʑo˩!
- (S)he is alive!
- 他活着!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | mɤ˧-ʂɯ˧! | tʰi˧-sɯ˩-dʑo˩!
- It's not dead! It's alive! (About a plant or animal that looked dead)
- 它没死,还活着!(一个植物、动物)
sɯ˩pv˩ noun
classifier: ɭɯ˧ raised_spot. 水泡. body.
- sɯ˩pv˩ qʰwæ˥-ze˩!
- a raised spot has formed!
- 起了水泡!
sɯ˩ɻ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ whetting_stone. 磨刀石. object.
sɯ˩tʰi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: nɑ˧ knife. 刀. object.
sɯ˩tʰi˩-kʰɯ˥ʑi˩ noun Tone: L+#H-.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ knife_sheath. 刀鞘. object.