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dɑ˧ʝi˩ dɑ˧pɤ˧ dɑ˧pv#˥ dɑ˧pʰo˥ dɑ˧ʁwɤ#˥ dɑ˩
dɑ˩kʰɤ˩ dɑ˩to#˥ dɑ˩to˩ dɑ˧˥ dɑ˧˥ dɑ˧˥
dɤ˧-qo˧ dɤ˧-tʰv˧-gi#˥ dɤ˧-tʰv˧qo˧ dɤ˧-ʈʂʰɯ˧qo˧ di˧mi˧ di˧qo˧ di˧ɻæ˧
di˩-gɤ˩lɑ˥ di˩li˩ di˧˥ di˧˥ di˩˥ do˥ do˥
do˧ do˧ do˧bæ˧ do˧bv˧ do˩
do˩kv#˥ dv˥ dv˩ dv˩
dv˩bi˩ dv˩mi#˥ dv˩pʰæ˧ dv˩pʰv#˥ dv˩zo#˥ dv˩˧ dv˩˧ dzɑ˥ dzɑ˧ʈʂɤ#˥ dzɑ˩qʰwɤ˩ dze˥ dze˧bɤ˩ dze˧bo˧ dze˧dv˩ dze˧hi˧ dze˧kʰɤ˧˥ dze˧ɭɯ˧ dze˧ɭɯ˧-ɻ̃#˥ dze˧-ɻ̃#˥ dze˧-tɕʰi#˥ dze˧-ʈʂæ˥ dze˧ʈʂɯ˧ dze˧ʈʂʰɤ$˥ dze˩
dze˩dʑɯ˧˥ dze˩mi˧ dze˩mi˧-bæ˩bæ˩ dze˩mi˧-dze#˥ dze˩mi˧-kʰv˩ dze˩mi˧-pv˥ɻ˩ dze˩˧
dzi˧dzi˧ dzi˧dzi˧-mo˧˥ dzi˧ɖæ˧ dzi˩ dzi˩
dzi˩ʁo˩ dzi˩tsʰɤ˩ dzi˧˥ dzo˥ dzo˧-lv˧~lv˥ dzo˧mi˧ dzo˧zo#˥ dzo˩ dzo˩~dzo˧˥ dzo˩mi#˥ dzo˩pʰv˩ dzo˩zo#˥ dzo˩˧ dzɯ˥ dzɯ˧tsɯ˧˥ dʑɤ˧bo˩ dʑɤ˧do˩
dʑɤ˩bv˥ dʑɤ˩bv˥-di˩ dʑɤ˩bv˥-ʁwɤ˩ dʑɤ˩bv˧kɤ˧-sɑ˥ʁwɤ˩ dʑɤ˩ɕjɤ˩ dʑɤ˩kʰwɤ˧ dʑɤ˩pi#˥ dʑɤ˩qʰɑ˥ dʑɤ˩so˧ dʑɤ˩tsʰi#˥ dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-ɖɯ˩mɑ˩ dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-tsi˩mv˩ dʑɤ˩tsʰo#˥ dʑɤ˩tsʰo˧ dʑi˥ dʑi˥ dʑi˧hṽ˥$ dʑi˧mi#˥ dʑi˧zo#˥ dʑi˩wɤ˩
dʑɯ˧ dʑɯ˧dv˧ dʑɯ˧dze˧mi#˥ dʑɯ˧ki˥ dʑɯ˧-li˧ dʑɯ˧ɭɯ˧ dʑɯ˧mi˧ dʑɯ˧njɤ˧ dʑɯ˧qʰɑ˧ dʑɯ˧qʰv˧ dʑɯ˧qʰv˩ dʑɯ˧ʁo˩ dʑɯ˧ʈʂʰwæ#˥ dʑɯ˩
dʑɯ˩-æ̃˩tsɯ˧ dʑɯ˩dze˩ dʑɯ˩gɤ˩di˩ dʑɯ˩gv˥ dʑɯ˩gv˩ dʑɯ˩hṽ˧˥ dʑɯ˩-hwæ˩tsɯ˥ dʑɯ˩kʰi˩ dʑɯ˩kʰv˩ dʑɯ˩nɑ˩hæ̃˩tʰɑ˩ dʑɯ˩nɑ˩mi˩ dʑɯ˩nɑ˩mi˩-ʁo˩ dʑɯ˩pɤ˩-kv˧hĩ˩ dʑɯ˩pɤ˩qʰv˩ dʑɯ˩pɤ˩tv˩qʰv˥ dʑɯ˩pʰæ˩ dʑɯ˩qʰæ˩ dʑɯ˩qʰwɤ˩-lv˩ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-æ̃˧ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-bo˧ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-dze˧ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-hwɤ˩li˧ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-ɬi˩bi˧ dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-zɯ˩ dʑɯ˩si˩ dʑɯ˩so˩ dʑɯ˩ʂo˥ dʑɯ˩tɤ˩ɻ˥ dʑɯ˩tɕʰɯ˩lɑ˩qʰɑ˥ dʑɯ˩tɕʰɯ˩lɑ˩qʰæ˥ dʑɯ˩tsʰi˩ dʑɯ˩tsʰi˩ʈʰɯ˩di˩ dʑɯ˩ʈv˧ dʑɯ˩zo˩ dʑɯ˩ʐv˩ dʑɯ˧˥
dɑ˧ʝi˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: v˧ mule. 骡子. animal.
- dɑ˧ʝi˩-dʑo˩, | ɖɯ˩mi˧ dʑo˧-kv˥-mæ˩! | ɖɯ˩zo˧ dʑo˧-kv˥-mæ˩!
- As for mules, there exist female mules, (and) male mules! / Among mules, there is a distinction between females and males! (Explanation provided to a city dweller on a visit, who knew precious little about animal breeding.)
- 骡子呢,有母骡子!(也)有公骡子! / 骡子,分母的和公的!(这个说明是给一个不懂畜牧业的城里人听)
dɑ˧pɤ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: v˧ priest_of_local_religion. 宗教礼师. society.
- dɑ˧pɤ˧ ʝi˧-hĩ˧ hĩ˧
- priest, person who performs the function of priest
- 当达巴的人
dɑ˧pv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ host. 主人. society.
- ʑi˧dv˧ dɑ˧pv˧
- the family host, the member of the family who has the role of host
- 家的主人
- ʑi˧dv˧-ʝi˧-hĩ˧ dɑ˧pv˧
- ditto
- 同上
dɑ˧pʰo˥ noun Tone: LH.
Dapo_village. 达坡村. place name.
- ɖæ˩ʂɯ#˥, | ʈʂo˧ʂɯ#˥, | bɤ˩tɕʰɯ˩˥, | dɑ˧pʰo˥, | bɤ˧dzi˩, | dze˧bo˧
- the six villages of the plain of Yongning, in traditional order: by order of increasing distance from the Lake
- 永宁坝的六个村落,按传统排序:从距离泸沽湖最近的村落说起。
dɑ˧ʁwɤ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
village_name. 一个村落. place name.
dɑ˩ adjective Tone: L.
happy. 安好. abstract.
- mɤ˧-dɑ˩-qʰwɤ˩
- Melancholy song; song telling of one's unhappiness. This is one of the genres of singing, lamenting one's hardships.
- 悲情歌,讲述自己日子痛苦
- mɤ˧-dɑ˩!
- Introductory formula for melancholy songs, and sometimes at the beginning of stories. (The same formula is also used in the Laze language.)
- 悲情歌的开头词
- mɤ˧-dɑ˩-mi˩
- As above: same meaning as the form without a fn:/-mi/ suffix.
- 同上
- ɖwæ˧˥ | hɤ˩-dɑ˥! | ɖwæ˧˥ | hɤ˩˥!
- Good job! / Well done! (Context: compliment to a toddler who has climbed on a piece of furniture.)
- 很了不起啊!(情景:表扬一个小孩子成功地爬上了一个家具)
- ɖʐɯ˩dɑ˥-kʰɤ˩dɑ˩-ɻ˩
- All is well. / All is for the best. (Used for instance to describe a period without food shortage, earthquake, epidemic, war or other catastrophe)
- 一切都安好。(如:来指一段时间没有饥荒、地震、流行病、战争等灾难)
verb Tone: Lb.
to_weave. 织. verb.
- ɣɯ˧ dɑ˩
- to weave fabric
- 织布
- ɣɯ˧ | le˧-dɑ˩
- to weave fabric
- 织布
- tso˧~tso˧ dɑ˩
- to weave things
- 织东西
- ɖɯ˧-dɑ˧~dɑ˩-ɻ˩
- 织一下
dɑ˩kʰɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ drum. 鼓. music.
- dɑ˩kʰɤ˩ lɑ˥(-ze˩)
- to play a drum
- 打鼓
dɑ˩to#˥ adverb Tone: LM+#H.
politely. 客气地. abstract.
- dɑ˩to˧ ʐwɤ˧˥
- to say some polite things
- 说客气话
- dɑ˩to˧ ʐwɤ˧-hĩ˥-lɑ˩ ɲi˩!
- It's just polite words! (Comment about an invitation by a neighbour, which was intended to be declined: it was not a true invitation.)
- 这只是客气话而已!
dɑ˩to˩ adverb Tone: L.
at_bottom. 归根结底. morphosyntax.
dɑ˧˥ noun Tone: MH.
misfortune. 苦、不幸、悲戚. abstract.
- dɑ˧-ʐwɤ˧˥
- to complain, to tell one's misfortunes
- 诉苦
- ɻ̃˧-ʐwɤ˧ | dɑ˧-ʐwɤ˧-ɻ˥
- to bemoan one's misfortunes
- 讲自己的不幸
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | mɑ˧dɑ˩-qʰwɤ˩, | ɻ̃˧-ʐwɤ˧ | dɑ˧-ʐwɤ˧-ɻ˥!
- (S)he is unhappy; (s)he is constantly complaining!
- 他不幸福,他一直在诉苦!
dɑ˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_build. 建. verb.
- ʑi˧mi˧ dɑ˧˥
- to build a house
- 建房
dɑ˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_fell/to_cut. 砍/宰. verb.
- le˧-dɑ˧-ze˥
- 砍了(树),割了(肉)
- ɖɯ˧-dɑ˧ tʰi˥-dɑ˩
- to hit a blow
- 砍一下
- dɑ˩~dɑ˧˥
- le˧-dɑ˩~dɑ˩(-ze˩)
- (I) have cut (e.g. a chicken) into pieces
- (我把一只鸡)割成块了
- ʂe˧ dɑ˥~dɑ˩
- to cut meat to pieces, to mince meat
- 把肉剁碎
classifier Tone: MHb.
. classifier.
- ɖɯ˧-dɑ˧˥
- a blow
- 当头一棒
- ɖɯ˧-dɑ˧ tʰi˥-dɑ˩
- to strike a blow, to give a blow
- 打一下
dɤ˧-qo˧ adverb Tone: M.
way over there. 那里(远指). space.
dɤ˧-tʰv˧-gi#˥ adverb Tone: #H.
way_over_there. 那边(远指). space.
dɤ˧-tʰv˧qo˧ adverb Tone: M.
way_over_there. 那边(远指). space. See: dɤ˧-ʈʂʰɯ˧qo˧
dɤ˧-ʈʂʰɯ˧qo˧ adverb Tone: M.
way_over_there. 那边(远指). space. See: dɤ˧-tʰv˧qo˧
di˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: di˩ large_plain. 平坝. natural environment.
- ɬi˧di˩-di˩mi˩
- the plain of Yongning
- 永宁坝
di˧qo˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: di˩ plain. 平坝. natural environment.
di˧ɻæ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: di˩ plain. 平坝. natural environment.
classifier Tone: Lc.
. classifier.
- ɖɯ˧-v˧ | ɖɯ˧-di˩ hɯ˩
- to separate, each going their separate ways
- 分开,每个人去不同的地方
verb Tone: La.
. verb.
- ʈʰɯ˧ ɑ˩ʁo˧ mɤ˧-di˩-hĩ˩.
- (S)he does not have a home. / (S)he is homeless.
- 他没有家。
- mɤ˧ tʰi˧-di˩
- there is grease (eg there is grease around the mouth of someone who has been biting away at large slabs of meat)
- 有油(例如:一个人的嘴巴周围油乎乎,有油)
- ɖɯ˧-kʰwɤ˧ di˥
- there is something
- 有一块东西
di˩-gɤ˩lɑ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
classifier: v˧ earth_spirit. 地菩萨. religion.
di˩li˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: qɑ˩ bracken. 海菜花. plant.
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ (ton: L+H#)
- dandy shoots
- 海菜花的萌芽
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ hwæ˩
- to buy dandy shoots
- 买海菜花萌芽
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ tɕʰi˩
- to sell dandy shoots
- 卖海菜花萌芽
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ dzɯ˩
- to eat dandy shoots
- 吃海菜花萌芽
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ dze˩
- to cut dandy shoots
- 割海菜花萌芽
- di˩li˩-ʁo˩bv˥ tɕɤ˩
- to boil dandy shoots
- 煮海菜花萌芽
di˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_drive_out/away. 赶. verb.
- tɕʰɯ˩di˩˥
- to hunt the muntjac; to hunt
- 赶麂子,狩猎
- tɕʰɯ˩di˩-bi˩-ni˩gv˩˥
- to have a habit of hunting, to have a fondness for hunting
- 有打猎的习惯、喜欢打猎
- di˩~di˧˥ / di˩~di˧-ze˥
: to hunt, to track
- tʰi˧-di˩~di˩
di˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_run/to_flow. 拉(肚子). verb.
- bi˧mi˧ di˧˥
- to have diarrhea
- 拉肚子
di˩˥ noun Tone: LH.
classifier: di˩ earth. 地. natural environment.
- di˩ dv˩-ze˥
- to dig the earth
- 挖土
- di˩ hwæ˧-ze˩
- bought some earth
- 买了土
- ɖɯ˧-di˩ ɖɯ˩-bæ˩!
- Each place is different! (In particular, each place has its own pronunciation: its own dialect of the Na language)
- 一个地方,一个样! = 每个地方有自己的特色(如:每个村落有自己的摩梭方言/土语)
do˥ verb Tone: H.
to_climb. 爬. verb.
- ʈʂo˩bo˩ do˩˥
- to climb a wall
- 爬墙
- gɤ˩-do˧
- to escalate, to climb up
- 爬上
- ʁwɤ˩ do˩˥
- to climb a mountain, to go hiking in the mountains
- 爬山
- to˩ do˩˥
- to ascend a slope, to climb a slope
- 爬上一个山坡
do˥ verb Tone: H.
to_mate_with. 交配. verb.
- bo˩ɬɑ˥ | bo˩mi˧ do˧
- The pig mates with the sow.
- 公猪与母猪交配。
classifier Tone: Ha.
. 量词:墙壁. classifier.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧-do#˥
- this partition/wall
- 这堵(墙壁)
do˧ adjective Tone: M.
stupid. 愚蠢. adjective.
- zo˩ do˩˥
- idiot, village idiot
- 傻瓜
do˧ adjective Tone: M.
sterile. 不能生育. adjective.
do˧bæ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ʈv˩ thigh. 大腿. body.
- do˧bæ˧ | ɖɯ˩-hĩ˩˥
- thigh
- 大腿
- do˧bæ˧ | tɕi˩-hĩ˩˥
- calf
- 小腿
do˧bv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ buttocks. 屁股. body.
do˩ adjective Tone: L.
immature. 不成熟. adjective.
- ŋwɤ˩ɬi˩-mi˩˥, | ʂe˧ mɤ˧-mv˥, | ʂe˧ do˧˥! | tsʰe˩ŋwɤ˩ kʰv˥, | zo˧ mɤ˧-ti˩, | zo˧ do˧˥!
- In the fifth month, if cereals are still green (=if they do not yet yield grain), the crop is immature (and may not yield any harvest). At age 15, if a boy does not become an adult (=if a boy does not visit girls), he is immature (he is not developing normally)!
- 五月份,谷物还是小草(还不出谷粒),算是晚熟!男人十五岁还不成熟(=还不见姑娘),算是晚熟!
verb Tone: Lb.
to_see. 见. verb.
- ɖɯ˧-do˥~do˩-ɻ˩
- 见一见
- ɖɯ˧-kʰwɤ˧ do˧˥
- to see a piece
- 看见一块(东西)
- tso˧~tso˧ do˧˥
- to see things, to see something
- 看见东西
- do˩-mɤ˩-ho˥
- 不许(看)见
- bo˩mi˧ do˩ (+ze˩)
- ...has seen (a/the) sow
- 看见了母猪
do˩kv#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ small_beams. 小梁子. house.
dv˥ verb Tone: H.
to_dig. 挖. verb.
- ʈʂe˧ dv˧(-ze˩)
- to dig the earth
- 挖土
dv˩ classifier Tone: L *.
. classifier.
dv˩ pronoun Tone: L?.
. 指示代词:那边(远指). morphosyntax.
- dv˩-tɕo˧
- that way
- 那个方向
verb Tone: La.
to_poison. 毒害. verb.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧, | hĩ˧ dv˥-mɤ˩-kv˩! | ʈʂʰɯ˧, | hĩ˧ dv˥-kv˩!
- This one is not poisonous / is edible (literally "this one does not poison people")! That one [on the other hand] is poisonous / is not edible! (About different sorts of mushrooms.)
- 这个,不会让人中毒!那个(反倒)会让人中毒!(情景:谈不同菌子种类。)
- ʈʂʰɯ˧, | dv˩-mɤ˩-kv˥!
- This one is not poisonous / is edible (literally "this one does not poison people")! (About a mushroom species.)
- 这个,不会让人中毒!(情景:谈不同菌子种类。)
to_hate. 讨厌. verb.
- le˧-dv˩-ze˩
- njɤ˧ | ʈʂʰɯ˧ dv˥ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- I hate him/her!
- 我很讨厌他!
- dv˩-zo˧-mɤ˧-tʰɑ˧˥
- to hate deeply
- 讨厌得不行
See: dv˩˧2
classifier Tone: Lb.
. classifier.
- hĩ˧ ɖɯ˧-dv˩
- a few people, a group of people
- 一些人
- hĩ˧ ʈʂʰɯ˧-dv˥
- these people, this group of people
- 这些人
dv˩bi˩ adverb Tone: L.
opposite. 对面. space.
dv˩mi#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
classifier: mi˩ female_weasel. 母黄鼠狼. animal.
- dv˩mi˧-dv˥pʰv˩
- female weasel and male weasel
- 母黄鼠狼与公黄鼠狼
dv˩pʰæ˧ noun Tone: LM.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ granary. 仓廪. house.
dv˩pʰv#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H / LM.
classifier: mi˩ male_weasel. 公黄鼠狼. animal.
dv˩zo#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H / LM.
baby_weasel. 黄鼠狼的崽子. animal.
dv˩˧ noun Tone: LM.
classifier: mi˩ weasel. 黄鼠狼. animal.
- dv˩ hwæ˧-ze˧
- ...bought (a) weasel
- 买了黄鼠狼
- dv˩ dzɯ˧-ze˩
- ...ate a weasel
- 吃了黄鼠狼
dv˩˧ noun Tone: LM.
: ʈʰɤ˥ poison. 毒. object. See: dv˩a
dzɑ˥ adjective Tone: H.
adjective. bad. 坏.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧-ɳɯ˧ | njɤ˧-ki˧ | dzɑ˧-ʝi˧ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- He really despises me!
- 他很瞧不起我!
- hĩ˧ ʈʂʰɯ˧-v˧ dʑo˩, | õ˧-ki˥ | dzɑ˧-ʝi˧-ze˩!
- This person has no self-respect! (literally: This person is doing herself harm)
- 这个人,不尊重自己!
- mv˧ dzɑ˧.
- The weather is bad.
- 天气很坏。
- mv˧ dzɑ˧-ze˩
- The weather is getting bad.
- 天气变坏了。
- lo˧ dzɑ˧
- poor (work), bad (job: e.g. someone has done a bad job)
- (工作)差
poor. 穷.
- dzɑ˧ | -ʐwæ˩-ze˥!
- (He/she) is really poor!
- 他很穷!
dzɑ˧ʈʂɤ#˥ adjective Tone: #H.
destitute. 穷苦. adjective.
- ɑ˩ʁo˧ | bo˩ʈʂʰæ˧ mɤ˧-dʑo˧, | dzɑ˧ʈʂɤ˧-kv˩!
- If there is no fleshless preserved pork at home, it appears as if the family is really destitute!
- 如果家里没有猪膘,会显得很穷!
- dzɑ˧ʈʂɤ˧ | ʐwæ˩˥!
- It's really a shame / it's really something to be ashamed of! (Talking about a socially stigmatized situation, such as not having the required food items or pieces of clothing for important ceremonies.)
- 真羞耻啊!
dzɑ˩qʰwɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: dzi˧ shoe. 鞋. clothing.
dze˥ noun Tone: #H.
sugar. 糖. food.
dze˧bɤ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: mi˩ bat. 蝙蝠/飞鼠. animal.
- dze˧bɤ˩-zo˩ | ɖɯ˧-ɭɯ˧
- a baby bat
- 一只小蝙蝠
- dze˧bɤ˩-pʰv˩ | ɖɯ˧-mi˩
- a male bat
- 一只公蝙蝠
- dze˧bɤ˩-mi˩ | ɖɯ˧-mi˩
- a female bat
- 一只母蝙蝠
dze˧bo˧ noun Tone: M.
family_name. 一个姓. given name.
- dze˧bo˧=ɻ˩
clan, the
- 者波家族
village_name. 者波村.
- ɖæ˩ʂɯ#˥, | ʈʂo˧ʂɯ#˥, | bɤ˩tɕʰɯ˩˥, | dɑ˧pʰo˥, | bɤ˧dzi˩, | dze˧bo˧
- the six villages of the plain of Yongning, in traditional order: by order of increasing distance from the Lake
- 永宁坝的六个村落,按传统排序:从距离泸沽湖最近的村落说起。
dze˧dv˩ noun Tone: L#.
cake/bread. 饼. food.
- dze˧dv˩-pɤ˩jɤ˩
- cake of cereals
- 粮食饼
dze˧hi˧ noun Tone: M.
in_laws. 丈人. society.
- njɤ˧ | dze˧hi˧-ki˩ bi˩!
- I'm going to my in-laws' place! / I'm going to visit my in-laws!
- 我去我丈人(那边)!
- no˧ | dze˧hi˧ | ə˩-to˩-ze˥? - le˧-to˩-ze˩!
- Do you have in-laws? / Do you stand in an 'in-law' relationship? (=Are you married?) - Yes, I have entered into such a relationship! (=Yes, I am married!)
- 你有丈人吗?(=你结婚了吗?)-有的!(=结婚了!)
- no˧ | dze˧hi˧ to˩ ə˩-bi˩?
- Do you have plans to get married? (Literally: Are you going to enter an 'in-law' relationship?)
- 你打算结婚吗?
dze˧kʰɤ˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: v˧ commoner. 百姓. society.
dze˧ɭɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
wheat. 小麦. plant.
dze˧ɭɯ˧-ɻ̃#˥ noun Tone: #H.
wheat_straw. 麦杆. plant.
dze˧-ɻ̃#˥ noun Tone: #H.
wheat_straw. 小麦秆. plant.
dze˧-tɕʰi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
wheat_beard. 麦芒. plant.
dze˧-ʈʂæ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ sting_organ. 蜜蜂的螫針. animal.
dze˧ʈʂɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: nɑ˧ sieve. 筛子. object.
dze˧ʈʂʰɤ$˥ noun Tone: H$.
cereals. 粮食. agriculture.
dze˩ verb Tone: L.
to_be_left_over. 剩下. morphosyntax.
- dzɯ˧-dze˥-ze˩!
- There are some leftovers! / The food has not been eaten up!
- 剩了一些饭!/ 剩了一些吃的!
- gɤ˩-dze˥ +ze˩!
- There are some leftovers!
- 有剩下的!
- ʈʰɯ˩ dze˩-ze˥
- Some of the drink is left over! / (The drink) has not been drunk up!
- 喝剩了、没喝完
- le˧-se˩-ze˩! | gɤ˩-mɤ˧-dze˩!
- It's completely finished (=eaten up / drunk up)! There are no leftovers!
- 完了!(=全部吃/喝完了!)没有剩!
classifier Tone: La.
. classifier.
- zo˧mv˥ | ɖɯ˧-dze˩
- twins (literally: 'a pair of children') (F5)
- 双胞胎(直译:“一对孩子”)
- ʈʂʰɯ˧-dze˥
_ (tone: H# / H$)
verb Tone: La.
to_fly. 飞. verb.
- le˧-dze˩-hɯ˩-ze˩
- (The bird) has flown away.
- (鸟)飞走了。
- mv˧ʁo˧ dze˧˥
- to fly in the sky
- 在天空中飞
verb Tone: La.
to_cut. 切. verb.
- le˧-dze˩
- dze˧~dze˥
- le˧-dze˧~dze˥
- v˩tsʰɤ˧ dze˧~dze˥
- to cut vegetables
- 切菜
- nv˩dʑɯ˥ dze˩~dze˩
- to cut tofu
- 切豆腐
dze˩dʑɯ˧˥ adjective Tone: LM+MH#.
arrogant. 骄傲. adjective.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | hĩ˧-bi˥ | mɤ˧-li˧! | dze˩dʑɯ˧˥ | ʐwæ˧˥!
- He despises others! He is very arrogant!
- 他看不起别人!他很骄傲!
dze˩mi˧ noun Tone: LM.
classifier: mi˩ bee. 蜜蜂. animal.
dze˩mi˧-bæ˩bæ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: bæ˩ Artemisia_suboligata. 茶绒蒿. plant.
dze˩mi˧-dze#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ Etym: dze˩mi˧; dze˥. honey. 蜂蜜. animal.
- dze˩mi˧dze˧ dzɯ˧
- to eat honey
- 吃蜂蜜
dze˩mi˧-kʰv˩ noun Tone: LM-L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ beehive. 蜂窝. animal.
dze˩mi˧-pv˥ɻ˩ noun Tone: LM+#H.
straight_ladybell. 沙参. plant.
- dze˩mi˧-pv˥ɻ˩-kʰɯ˩ʈɯ˩
- root of straight ladybell
- 沙参根
dze˩˧ noun Tone: LM.
classifier: mɤ˩ classifier: un peu wild_pepper. 花椒. plant.
classifier Tone: Hb.
. classifier.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧-dzɤ˧
- this side
- 这面
- ɖɯ˧-dzɤ˥
- one side
- 一面
verb Tone: La.
to_collapse. 塌毁. verb.
- mv˩tɕo˧ dzɤ˩
- same meaning: to collapse
- 同上:塌毁
- le˧-dzɤ˩-ze˩
- 塌毁了
dzi˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ (*nɑ˧) chisel. 凿子. object.
classifier Tone: Mb.
. classifier.
- ɣɯ˩-dzɑ˩qʰwɤ˥ | ɖɯ˧-dzi˧
- a pair of leather shoes
- 一双皮鞋
dzi˧dzi˧ noun Tone: M.
oriental_white_oak. 青冈树. plant.
- dzi˧dzi˧, | si˧dzi˩-mv˩!
is the name of a tree!
dzi˧dzi˧-mo˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
edible_mushroom_sp. 一种可以吃的菌子. plant.
dzi˧ɖæ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ location. 位置. house.
dzi˩ verb Tone: L.
to_come(of_night). 来(晚上来了). time.
- nɑ˩˥ | le˧-dzi˩-ze˩!
- The night has fallen! / It has got dark!
- 天黑了!
- nɑ˩˥ | le˧-dzi˩ | le˧-se˩-ze˩!
- It has got completely dark!
- 天完全黑了!
dzi˩ classifier Tone: Lc.
. classifier.
- dʑi˧hṽ˥ | ɖɯ˧-dzi˩
- a full set of dress, a complete dress
- 一套衣服
- dʑi˧hṽ˧ ɖɯ˧-dzi˩
- a full set of dress, a complete dress (same as preceding example, integrated into a single tone group)
- 一套衣服(同上,但将短语合在一起,构成一个单一的声调短语)
verb Tone: La.
to_sit. 坐. verb.
- tʰi˧-dzi˩!
- Sit down!
- 坐下!
- hĩ˧bæ˧ ʈʂʰɯ˧-qo˧ dzi˩.
- The guest sits here.
- 客人是坐在这边的。
- (ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ) tʰi˧-dzi˩-kʰɯ˩-se˩.
- (S)he has got seated.
- 他坐下了。
- le˧-dzi˧~dzi˥
- to remain seated; used as a euphemism to mean: to sit with others at a funeral wake, to keep a deathwatch
- 坐一坐。来指:居丧、守灵(委婉语)
to_dwell. 住. verb.
- dzi˩-bi˩-ni˩gv˩
- to be accustomed to; to get accustomed to, to feel at ease, to adapt (to an environment)
- 习惯(一个新的环境、一个地方的饮食……)
- dzi˩-bi˩-ni˩-mɤ˩-gv˩˥
- not to get accustomed; to feel awkward
- 不习惯
- njɤ˧ | ʈʂʰɯ˧-qo˧ | dzi˩-bi˩-ni˩-mɤ˩-gv˩˥
- I can't get accustomed (to this place)! / (I) can't make myself at ease here! / (I) don't like it here!
- 我不习惯这里! / 我不喜欢这里! / 我不想待了!
verb Tone: La.
to_gather. 聚集. verb.
- ɖɯ˧-ʁwɤ˧ | le˧-dzi˧~dzi˥
- the whole village gathered together
- 全村都聚集在一起
- hĩ˧ ɖɯ˧-v˧ | le˧-ʂɯ˧-ze˧! le˧-dzi˧~dzi˥ jo˩!
- Someone has passed away! Come and join the gathering!
- 一个人去世了!来参加丧礼吧!
verb Tone: La.
to_sink. 掉入. verb.
- mv˩tɕo˧ dzi˩
- to sink down
- 往下掉入、沉下去
classifier Tone: Lb.
. classifier.
- si˧dzi˩ | ɖɯ˧-dzi˩
- a tree
- 一棵树
- tʰv˧-dzi˧˥
- that tree
- 那棵树
dzi˩ʁo˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ seat. 座位. house.
dzi˩tsʰɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: dzi˩ shrub_sp. 一种灌木. plant.
dzi˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_tremble. 颤抖. verb.
- njɤ˩ dzi˧˥
- the eyelid trembles (literally 'the eye trembles')
- 眼皮跳
- njɤ˩ dzi˧-ze˥
- the eyelid trembles
- 眼皮跳
- njɤ˩ dzi˧˥ | ʐwæ˩˥
- the eyelid trembles terribly
- 眼皮跳得很厉害
- njɤ˩˥ | le˧-dzi˧-ze˥
- the eyelid trembles
- 眼皮跳
- njɤ˩˥ | mɤ˧-dzi˧˥
- the eyelid does not tremble
- 眼皮不跳
dzo˥ noun Tone: #H.
hail. 冰雹. natural environment.
- dzo˧ lɑ˩
- there is some hail
- 下冰雹
- dzo˧ gi˧-ze˩
- there is some hail
- 下冰雹了
dzo˧-lv˧~lv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ hailstone. 冰雹. natural environment.
dzo˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ large_vat. 大桶. object.
dzo˧zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ small_vat. 小桶. object.
dzo˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pɤ˩ classifier: nɑ˧ bridge. 桥. object.
- dzo˧ | ɖɯ˧ pɤ˩
- a bridge
- 一辆桥
- dzo˩ bæ˩˥
- to sweep (a/the) bridge
- 扫桥
- njɤ˧ | dzo˩ bæ˩-zo˩-ho˥.
- I have to sweep the bridge.
- 我要扫桥了。
- dzo˩ gv˩˥
- to build (/repair) a bridge
- 建一辆桥
- njɤ˧ | dzo˩ gv˩-zo˩-ho˥.
- I have to build (/repair) a bridge.
dzo˩~dzo˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_laugh_at. 嘲笑. verb.
- hĩ˧ dzo˧-dzo˥-ho˩-ni˩zo˩!
- It looks like (he/she) is going to poke fun (at...)
- 他好像要开始取笑人家了!
- tʰɑ˧ dzo˩~dzo˩!
- Don't laugh at people!
- 别嘲笑(人家)!
dzo˩mi#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
classifier: mi˩ female_lizard. 母壁虎. animal.
- dzo˧mi˧-dzo˩pʰv˩
- female lizard and male lizard
- 母壁虎与公壁虎
dzo˩pʰv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: mi˩ classifier: ɭɯ˧ male_lizard. 公壁虎. animal.
- dzo˩pʰv˩-dzo˩mi˥
- male lizard and female lizard
- 公壁虎与母壁虎
dzo˩zo#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
classifier: mi˩ classifier: ɭɯ˧ baby_lizard. 小壁虎. animal.
dzo˩˧ noun Tone: LM.
classifier: mi˩ lizard. 壁虎. animal.
- dzo˩ hwæ˧-ze˧
- ...bought (a) lizard
- 买了壁虎
- dzo˩ dzɯ˧-ze˩
- ...ate (a) lizard
- 吃了壁虎
dzɯ˥ verb Tone: H.
to_eat. 吃. verb.
- le˧-dzɯ˥
- hɑ˧ dzɯ˧
- to have a meal; to take some food
- 吃饭
- njɤ˧ | hɑ˧ le˧-dzɯ˥-ze˩
- I have eaten. / I have had a meal.
- 我吃过饭了。
- dzɯ˧-di˧˥
- food, thing to eat
- 吃的(东西)
- dzɯ˧-bi˩-ze˩!
- Let's eat! / It's time to eat!
- 要吃饭了!
dzɯ˧tsɯ˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: pʰæ˧˥ shrub_sp. 一种灌木. plant.
dʑɤ˧bo˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ granary. 粮仓. house.
dʑɤ˧do˩ noun Tone: L#.
Zhongdian. 中甸. place name.
- dʑɤ˧do˩-bɤ˩
- the Pumi people of Zhongdian
- 中甸普米族
adjective Tone: Lb.
good(decision). 好. adjective.
- mɤ˧-dʑɤ˩
- bad
- 坏
- dʑɤ˩-hĩ˥
- (no˧) ɖwæ˧˥ | dʑɤ˩˥!
- You're great!
- 你很好!
- dʑɤ˩-kʰɯ˥!
- A benediction used on the New Year: "Let there be good (things)!", i.e. "Prosperity!", "All the best for the New Year!"
- 新年祝福:“祝一切好! / 万事如意!”
dʑɤ˩bv˥ verb Tone: LH.
to_play. 玩. verb.
- dʑɤ˩bv˥ -bi˩/-ze˩
- 要玩耍 / 玩耍了
- le˧-dʑɤ˩bv˩ +ze˩
- 玩耍了
- tʰi˧-dʑɤ˩bv˩, | tʰi˧-dʑɤ˩bv˩, | le˧-fv˧!
- They play, they play... they're happy! / (By) playing on and on, they get really happy! (About children playing together)
- 他们玩着玩着,很高兴!(情景:几个小孩子一起玩)
dʑɤ˩bv˥-di˩ noun Tone: LH-.
toy. 玩具. object.
dʑɤ˩bv˥-ʁwɤ˩ noun Tone: LH-.
Jiabowa. 甲波瓦村. place name.
dʑɤ˩bv˧kɤ˧-sɑ˥ʁwɤ˩ noun Tone: LM+MH#-.
village_name. 高明村. place name.
- dʑɤ˩bv˧kɤ˧-sɑ˥ʁwɤ˩, | hi˩ʁwɤ˩-lo˥, | æ˩mi˧-ʁwɤ#˥, | lɑ˧lo˧-ʁwɤ˥, | lɑ˧ŋwɤ˧, | bɤ˧tsʰo˧gv˥, | ə˧lɑ˧-ʁwɤ#˥, | gæ˧ɻæ˩, | qʰæ˧tɕʰi˧, | tʰo˧ʈɯ#˥
- the ten villages traditionally considered as part of Yongning
- 摩梭传统地理概念中,属于永宁的十个村落之一
dʑɤ˩ɕjɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
insole. 鞋垫. clothing.
dʑɤ˩kʰwɤ˧ noun Tone: LM.
distance. 距离. space.
- no˧ | ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ə˩-ʐæ˥ʂæ˩? | dʑɤ˩kʰwɤ˧ ə˩-di˩? | - dʑɤ˩˥ | dʑɤ˩kʰwɤ˧ mɤ˧-di˥! | mɤ˧-ʐæ˩ʂæ˩!
- Are you distant from him? Is there distance (between you)? - There is not much distance to speak of! We are not distant! (=we are close friends)
- 你们很熟吗?/ 你们很亲吗? - 不很熟!/ 不很亲!
dʑɤ˩pi#˥ adjective Tone: LM+#H.
plenty_of. 多. adjective.
- dʑɤ˩pi˧ ʝi˧
- It's very useful!
- 很有用、有很多用处
- dʑɤ˩pi˧ dʑo˧!
- (I) have plenty! / (I) have a lot! (possession)
- 我有很多!
- dʑɤ˩pi˧ dʑo˧˥
- There is plenty / there is a lot. (Note: existence, and not possession)
- 有很多。
dʑɤ˩qʰɑ˥ adverb Tone: LH.
with_full_might. 一个劲地. morphosyntax.
- dʑɤ˩qʰɑ˥ ʈɤ˩
- to pull with full might
- 一个劲地拉
- dʑɤ˩qʰɑ˥ mi˩
- to push with full might
- 一个劲地推
- dʑɤ˩qʰɑ˥ lɑ˩
- to beat with full might
- 一个劲地打
dʑɤ˩so˧ adjective Tone: LM.
many. 好几(个). morphosyntax.
- dʑɤ˩-so˧ ɲi˧
- many days; a long time
- 好几天
dʑɤ˩tsʰi#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
masculine_given_name. 男性名字. given name.
dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-ɖɯ˩mɑ˩ noun Tone: LM-L.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-tsi˩mv˩ noun Tone: LM-L.
classifier: dzi˩ prayer_flag. 经幡. religion.
dʑɤ˩tsʰo#˥ noun Tone: LM+#H.
housewarming_party. 乔迁庆宴. society.
- ʑi˧qʰwɤ˧-ʂɯ˧-qo˧ | dʑɤ˩tsʰo˧ ʁɑ˧ ʂe˩
- to throw a housewarming party in a newly built house
- 在新房子举办乔迁宴会
dʑɤ˩tsʰo˧ verb Tone: LM.
to_dance. 跳舞. verb.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | dʑɤ˩tsʰo˧ mɤ˧-dʑɤ˩!
- (S)he does not dance well!
- 他舞跳得不好!
- dʑɤ˩tsʰo˧ | ɖɯ˧-hɑ̃˧ tsʰo˧
- to dance all evening, to dance a whole night
- 跳一整夜舞
dʑi˥ noun Tone: #H.
urine. 尿. body.
- dʑi˧ bæ˥
- to sweep urine
- 扫尿
- dʑi˧-lɑ˩ | qʰæ˧
- excrements: urine and faeces
- 大小便的统称
dʑi˥ noun Tone: H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ clothes. 衣服. clothing.
- kʰv˧ʂɯ˥, | dʑi˧ qæ˧!
- On New Year's Eve, one changes one's clothing / one wears new clothes!
- 过年,换衣服! / 过年,要穿新衣服!
- dʑi˧ qæ˧-ze˩!
- (He/she) has changed clothes!
- 换衣服了!
- nɑ˩-dʑi#˥
- Na clothing
- 摩梭服装
- hæ˧-dʑi#˥
- Chinese (Han) clothing
- 汉族服装
dʑi˧hṽ˥$ noun Tone: H$.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ clothes. 衣服. clothing.
dʑi˧mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ female_water_buffalo. 母水牛. animal.
- dʑi˧mi˧ tʰv˧-pʰo˩
- 这头母水牛
- dʑi˧mi˧-dʑi˧zo#˥ / dʑi˧mi˧-dʑi˥zo˩
- female water buffalo and male water buffalo
- 母水牛与公水牛
dʑi˧zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ male_baby_buffalo. 小水牛. animal.
- dʑi˧zo˧ tʰv˧-ɭɯ#˥
- 这只水牛崽子
dʑi˩wɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: dze˩ stirrup. 马镫. object.
verb Tone: Mb.
. 有/拥有. verb.
- mɤ˧-dʑo˧-ze˧!
- There isn't any left!
- 没有了!
- le˧-dʑo˧-ze˧!
- There is some, now!
- 有了!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ɑ˩ʁo˧ | ɖɯ˧-sɑ˥ | mɤ˧-dʑo˧!
- At his home, they have nothing at all = he is needy
- 他家什么也没有 = 他家贫穷
- njɤ˧ | mv˩zɯ˩-ni˥mi˩ | ŋi˧-kv˧ dʑo˧˥!
- I have two siblings!
- 我有两个兄弟姐妹!
- dʑo˧-tʰɑ˧˥!
- There could be some! / It's possible that there will be some!
- 会有的!
- tso˧~tso˧ dʑo˧
- he has some things
- 他有东西
- njɤ˧-ɻ˩, | ɖɯ˧-ɭɯ˧-lɑ˧ dʑo˥!
- We only have one (child)!
- 我们只有一个(孩子)!
- ɖwæ˧˥ | dʑo˧-ɲi˥!
- There are lots! (For instance, when preparing to build a house, one needs large quantities of lumber; someone may comment: "There are lots!")
- 有很多!(如:准备建房,积累的木材有很多)
verb Tone: Lb.
. verb.
- mɤ˧-dʑo˩
- 没有、不在
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ɑ˩ʁo˧ mɤ˧-dʑo˩!
- (S)he is not at home!
- 他不在家!
dʑɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
moment/time(of_event). 时间. time.
- ʈʂʰwɤ˩ dzɯ˩-bi˩-dʑɯ˩˥
- dinner-time
- 吃晚餐的时间
- ɑ˩pʰo˩ bi˩-dʑɯ˩˥
- time to go out; the right time to go outside
- 出去的(合适)时间
- le˧-ʑi˧-bi˧-dʑɯ˧ tʰv˧-ze˩!
- It is time to go to sleep!
- 睡觉的时间到了!
- ʐo˩ dzɯ˩-bi˩-dʑɯ˩˥
- lunch-time
- 午饭的时间
dʑɯ˧dv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ earthworm. 蚯蚓. animal.
- dʑɯ˧dv˧-mi˩, | ə˩-dʑo˩˥?
- Do female earthworms exist? (An artificially designed question, so as to elicit a form of 'earthworm' with the 'female' suffix, with a view to understanding the synchronically productive tone assignment rules for the gender suffixes.)
- 有母蚯蚓吗?
- dʑɯ˧dv˧-pʰv˩, | ə˩-dʑo˩˥?
- Do male earthworms exist? (An artificially designed question, so as to elicit a form of 'earthworm' with the 'male' suffix, with a view to understanding the synchronically productive tone assignment rules for the gender suffixes.)
- 有公蚯蚓吗?
dʑɯ˧dze˧mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: mi˩ cicada. 蝉. animal.
- dʑɯ˧dze˧-mi˧ tʰv˧-mi˧˥ / dʑɯ˧dze˧-mi˧ tʰv˧-mi˥#
- 这只蝉
dʑɯ˧ki˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ waistband. 布带子. clothing.
dʑɯ˧-li˧ verb Tone: M.
to_irrigate. 灌溉. verb.
- dʑɯ˧-li˧-ze˧
- 灌溉了
- dʑɯ˧-mɤ˧-li˧-hĩ˧ lv˧
- dry farmland, dry field: a field that is not irrigated
- 旱田:不灌溉的田
dʑɯ˧ɭɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
millet. 小米. plant.
- dʑɯ˧ɭɯ˧-ho#˥
- millet gruel
- 小米粥
dʑɯ˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ large_river. 大河. natural environment.
dʑɯ˧njɤ˧ noun Tone: M.
millet. 小米. plant.
- dʑɯ˧njɤ˧, | ʐɯ˧ tɕɤ˧˥!
- Millet is used to make wine!
- 小米,用来酿酒!
- dʑɯ˧njɤ˧-hɑ#˥
- cooked millet
- 小米饭
dʑɯ˧qʰɑ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: qɑ˩ gentian. 秦艽. plant.
- dʑɯ˧qʰɑ˧-bæ˩bæ˩
- gentian flowers
- 秦艽花
dʑɯ˧qʰv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ well. 井. natural environment.
- ɑ˩ʁo˥ | dʑɯ˧qʰv˧ tʰi˧-di˩.
- There is a well at home / in the farm.
- 家里有水井。
dʑɯ˧qʰv˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ wild_plant_sp. 植物名. plant.
- dʑɯ˧qʰv˩-lv˩lv˩
- the grains of this plant
- 这种植物的种子
dʑɯ˧ʁo˩ noun Tone: L#.
peach. 桃子. plant.
dʑɯ˧ʈʂʰwæ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
husked_millet. 已碾的小米. plant. See:
dʑɯ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ water. 水. natural environment.
- dʑɯ˧ ʈʰɯ˧
- to drink water
- 喝水
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ dʑɯ˧ ʈʰɯ˧-dʑo˧!
- (S)he is drinking water
- 他在喝水
- dʑɯ˧ | ɖɯ˧-ʈʰɤ˧ ʈʰɯ˧˥
- to drink a little water (literally 'a drop of water')
- 喝一点水(直译:‘一滴水’)
- dʑɯ˩ kʰɯ˩˥
- to put water
- 放水
- dʑɯ˩ mæ˩˥
- to irrigate, to water
- 浇灌、灌溉
- dʑɯ˩ qæ˩, hɑ˩ qæ˩˥ |
- a description of the traveller's changes in environment: 'to change water, to change food'. This requires using strategies to avoid ailments: in particular, it was customary to boil in water a little earth of the place where one had arrived, and to drink this preparation.
- ‘换水换土’:这个短语描述旅人到他人乡的情况,带来水土不服的危险。为了预防这类不良反应,摩梭旅人习惯水煮一点当地的土,喝下去,为了适应当地的水土。
- dʑɯ˧ | mv˩tɕo˧ dɑ˧˥
- the water flows downwards
- 水往下流
waterway. 河流.
verb Tone: La.
to_twist_together. 搓. verb.
- le˧-dʑɯ˩-ze˩
- 搓了
- bæ˩ dʑɯ˩˥
- to twist (strings into) a rope
- 搓绳子
- qʰv˩ɖʐæ˩ dʑɯ˥
- to twist a string, a small rope
- 搓一根小绳子
- ɖɯ˧-kʰwɤ˧ dʑɯ˥
- to twist a little
- 搓一下
dʑɯ˩-æ̃˩tsɯ˧ noun Tone: L-LM.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ sandpiper. 鹬. animal.
dʑɯ˩dze˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: nɑ˧ ladle_for_food. 舀汤的勺子. object.
dʑɯ˩gɤ˩di˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: nɑ˧ shoulder_pole. 扁担. object.
dʑɯ˩gv˥ adjective Tone: LH.
stooping. 驼背. adjective.
dʑɯ˩gv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ water_trough. 水槽. object.
- pv˩-dʑɯ˩gv˩˥
dʑɯ˩hṽ˧˥ noun Tone: LM+MH#.
dough. 浆糊. food.
dʑɯ˩-hwæ˩tsɯ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
shrew. 尖鼠. animal.
dʑɯ˩kʰi˩ noun Tone: L.
water_s_edge. 水边. natural environment.
dʑɯ˩kʰv˩ noun Tone: L.
moss. 青苔. plant.
dʑɯ˩nɑ˩hæ̃˩tʰɑ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pɤ˩ water_mill. 水磨. object.
dʑɯ˩nɑ˩mi˩ noun Tone: L.
mountain_area. 深山老林. natural environment. See:
dʑɯ˩nɑ˩mi˩-ʁo˩ noun Tone: L.
mountain_area. 深山老林. natural environment. See:
dʑɯ˩pɤ˩-kv˧hĩ˩ noun Tone: L-L#.
spring. 水泉. natural environment.
- dʑɯ˩pɤ˩-kv˧hĩ˩ | tʰi˧-di˩
- there is a spring
- 有水泉
dʑɯ˩pɤ˩qʰv˩ noun Tone: L.
spring. 水泉. natural environment. See:
dʑɯ˩pɤ˩tv˩qʰv˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
spring. 水泉. natural environment. See:
dʑɯ˩pʰæ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pʰæ˧˥ ice. 冰. natural environment.
dʑɯ˩qʰæ˩ noun Tone: L.
cold_water. 凉水. food.
dʑɯ˩qʰwɤ˩-lv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ marsh. 沼泽. natural environment.
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩ noun Tone: L.
mountain_area. 深山老林. natural environment. See:
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-æ̃˧ noun Tone: L-M.
classifier: mi˩ quail. 鹌鹑. animal.
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-bo˧ noun Tone: L-M.
classifier: mi˩ wild_boar. 野猪. animal. Syn: bo˩tv#˥
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-dze˧ noun Tone: L-M.
wild_pepper. 野花椒. plant.
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-hwɤ˩li˧ noun Tone: L-LM.
classifier: mi˩ wild_cat. 野猫. animal.
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-ɬi˩bi˧ noun Tone: L-LM.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ Chinese_yam. 山药. plant.
dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-zɯ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: qɑ˩ classifier: po˧ classifier: botte; unité wild_herbs. 野草. plant.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | dʑɯ˩ʁo˩-zɯ˩ ɲi˥.
dʑɯ˩si˩ noun Tone: L.
oriental_white_oak. 青冈树. plant. Syn: dzi˧dzi˧
dʑɯ˩so˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pʰæ˧˥ wave. 波浪. natural environment.
- dʑɯ˩so˩ pʰv˩˥
- there is a wave, a wave breaks
- 有波浪
dʑɯ˩ʂo˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
name_of_ritual. 仪式名. religion.
- dʑɯ˩ʂo˥-tsɑ˩bɤ˩
- flour used for ceremonies; it must not contain oatmeal. After the ceremony, it is thrown away (not eaten).
- 做仪式时所使用的面粉。这种面粉里不要含有燕麦。仪式结束后,面粉被扔掉。
dʑɯ˩tɤ˩ɻ˥ adjective Tone: L+H#.
moist. 湿. adjective.
- dʑɯ˩tɤ˩ɻ˥ gv˩-ze˩
- It got wet.
- 湿了!
dʑɯ˩tɕʰɯ˩lɑ˩qʰɑ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
plum. 梅子. plant.
dʑɯ˩tɕʰɯ˩lɑ˩qʰæ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
buckthorn. 沙棘. plant.
dʑɯ˩tsʰi˩ noun Tone: L.
hot_water. 热水. food.
dʑɯ˩tsʰi˩ʈʰɯ˩di˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ container_for_hot_water. 口杯. object.
dʑɯ˩ʈv˧ adjective Tone: LM.
to_be_a_hunchback. 驼背. adjective.
- dʑɯ˩ʈv˧-ze˩
- 驼背了
dʑɯ˩zo˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ brook. 溪流. natural environment.
dʑɯ˩ʐv˩ verb Tone: L.
to_swim. 游泳. verb.
dʑɯ˧˥ adjective Tone: MH.
many/much. 多. adjective.
- hĩ˧ dʑɯ˩
- There are many people.
- 人多。