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ʝ |
ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˥ ʝi˧ ʝi˧
ʝi˧-bv˧˥ ʝi˧kʰv˥ ʝi˧kʰv˩ ʝi˧kʰwɤ˥$ ʝi˧lo#˥ ʝi˧mi˧ ʝi˧pʰv#˥ ʝi˧qv˥ ʝi˧ʁæ˥ ʝi˧ʁo#˥ ʝi˧sɑ˧ ʝi˧se˧ ʝi˧sɯ˥ ʝi˧ʂæ˧tsʰɤ˩ ʝi˧ʂɯ˥ ʝi˧tɕi˧ ʝi˧tɕi˧-ɖɯ˩mɑ˩ ʝi˧tɕi˧-ɬɑ˩mv˩ ʝi˧tsɯ˧ ʝi˧ʈʂʰe˥-mi˩ ʝi˧zo#˥ ʝi˩bv˩ ʝi˩bv˩ ʝi˩di˩-mi˥ ʝi˩mi˩ ʝi˩næ˩-se˧ ʝi˩ŋɤ˧˥ ʝi˩qʰv˩ ʝi˩ʈʂæ˧˥ ʝi˩˥
ʝi˥ verb Tone: H.
to_do. 做. verb.
- ɖwæ˧˥ | lo˧ ʝi˧
- hard-working, who works hard
- 勤劳、努力
- ɖɯ˧-sɑ˥ | mɤ˧-ʝi˥
- to do nothing at all
- 什么也不干
- ə˧tso˧-mɤ˧-ɲi˩ | ʝi˧-bi˧-zo˧-ho˥!
- [I/we] will have to take charge of everything / [I/we] will have to do all the work!
- 什么都要做! / 我什么都要干(/管)!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ne-ʝi˥ | ʝi˧-zo˧-ho˥-ɲi˩!
- This is how it must be done! / This is how it is done!
- 应该这样做的!
- ɑ˩ʁo˧ ʝi˧
- to take care of the household, to look after the affairs of the family; in particular: distributing work to the various members, and ensuring that the supplies are not running low
- 管理家里的大小事情(如:分配工作、家务等)
ʝi˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ ox. 牛. animal.
- ʝi˧-ɣɯ˥
- ox skin
- 牛皮
- ʝi˧ tʰv˧-pʰo˩
- 那头牛
ʝi˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ earthen_jar. 坛子. object.
ʝi˥ verb Tone: H.
to_draw. 画. verb.
- mɤ˧-ʝi˥
- 不画
- tʰɑ˧-ʝi˥!
- 别画!
- ʈʂɑ˧tɑ˥ ʝi˩
- to draw a sign
- 画一个符号
ʝi˥ noun Tone: #H.
man. 男. society.
ʝi˥ verb Tone: H.
to_inform. 通知. verb.
- le˧-ʝi˥-ze˩
- 通知了
- qʰwæ˧ mi˧ ʝi˧
- to provide a piece of news, to provide some information
- 告诉(一个)消息
- njɤ˧ | hĩ˧-ki˧ | qʰwæ˧mi˧ ʝi˧-ze˩
- I have told people the news.
- 我告诉了人家(那个消息)。
ʝi˥ verb Tone: H.
. verb.
- ə˧tso˧-mɤ˧-ɲi˩, | le˧-ʂe˧, | le˧-ʝi˥!
- We get all sorts of things (all the necessary paraphernalia for a ritual, a feast...) and we have it (at hand for when we need it) / We get all sorts of things ready (for the ritual / the feast)!
- 所有(的东西都)找,(就)有了 = 所有的东西都备好了
ʝi˧ verb Tone: M' intrans.
to_come. 来. verb.
- lɑ˧ ʝi˧-ze˧!
- A tiger is coming! / A tiger has come round!
- 老虎来了!
- lɑ˧ le˧-ʝi˩-ze˩!
- The tiger is coming back! / The tiger is coming again!
- 老虎又来了!
- mɤ˧-ʝi˧-ze˧!
- It's going wrong! / Something is going wrong! / We're in for trouble!
- 不好了!不行了!
ʝi˧ noun Tone: M.
one. 一. morphosyntax.
- zo˧mv˥ | ʝi˧-ɭɯ˧ ʂv˧
- to take care of a child
- 管一个孩子
classifier Tone: Mb.
. classifier.
- ɖɯ˧-ʝi˧
- a place, somewhere
- 一个地方
- ɖɯ˧-ʝi˧ dzi˩
- to live somewhere; to move to somewhere
- 住在一个地方,搬家到一个地方
ʝi˧-bv˧˥ noun Tone: MH#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ cow_pen. 牛圈. house.
ʝi˧kʰv˥ pronoun Tone: H#.
some. 一些. morphosyntax.
- hĩ˧ ʝi˧kʰv˥
- some people, part of the people
- 一些人
ʝi˧kʰv˩ noun Tone: L#.
year_of_the_ox. 牛年. time.
ʝi˧kʰwɤ˥$ pronoun Tone: H$.
some/a_little. 一点. morphosyntax.
ʝi˧lo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
attitude. 态度. abstract.
- ʝi˧lo˧ dʑɤ˥!
- (He/she) has a good attitude!
- 态度积极
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ʝi˧lo˧ | dʑɤ˩˥! | hĩ˧-ki˧ | dʑɤ˩-ʝi˥!
- He/she has a good attitude towards people! He/she is kind to people / does some good around him/her!
- 他(对人)态度好!对人好/做好事!
- ʝi˧lo˧ dzɑ˧
- (to have) a bad attitude: to be lazy, dissipated...
- 态度不好
- njɤ˧-ɳɯ˧ hɑ˧ gv˥, | ʝi˧lo˧ dzɑ˧!
- When I cook, I don't make a good job of it / I don't (manage to) put any heart into it / I make a mess of it!
- 我做饭,集中不了精神 / 做的乱七八糟!
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ə˧tso˧ ʝi˧lo˧ ɲi˥?
- What sort of an attitude is this? (Criticism of someone who does not have a proper attitude)
- 这是什么态度啊?(批评一个人的态度)
ʝi˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ jar. 坛子. object.
ʝi˧pʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ / mi˩ bull. 公牛. animal.
- ʝi˧pʰv˧ tʰv˧-mi˥#
- 那头公牛
- ʝi˧pʰv˧ tʰv˧-ɭɯ#˥
- 那头公牛
ʝi˧qv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ neck_strap. 轭的一个部分. object.
ʝi˧ʁæ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ cow/beef. 黄牛. animal.
ʝi˧ʁo#˥ adjective Tone: #H.
Etym: ʝi˥ 1; ʁo˧ 2. able. 能干. adjective.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ʝi˧ʁo˧-hĩ˧ | ɖɯ˧-v˧ ɲi˩
- It's an able/competent person.
- 他是一个能干/称职的人。
- ʝi˧ʁo˧-zo˥
- a competent lad, a capable fellow
- 一个能干的男人
- ʝi˧ʁo˧ ɲi˥
ʝi˧sɑ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: nɑ˧ From: Chinese
. 雨伞::umbrella. 雨伞. object.
ʝi˧se˧ noun Tone: M.
From: Chinese
. 医生::doctor. 医生. society.
ʝi˧sɯ˥ noun Tone: H#.
From: Chinese
. 意思::meaning.
. abstract.
ʝi˧ʂæ˧tsʰɤ˩ noun Tone: L#.
From: Chinese
. 野山菜::wild_radish.
. plant. See: jɤ˧˥2
ʝi˧ʂɯ˥ noun Tone: H#.
masculine_given_name. 男性名字. given name.
ʝi˧tɕi˧ noun Tone: M.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
ʝi˧tɕi˧-ɖɯ˩mɑ˩ noun Tone: °L.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
ʝi˧tɕi˧-ɬɑ˩mv˩ noun Tone: °L.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
ʝi˧tsɯ˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: nɑ˧ From: Chinese
. 椅子::chair. 椅子. object.
ʝi˧ʈʂʰe˥-mi˩ noun Tone: H#-.
south. 南方. space.
- ʝi˧ʈʂʰe˥mi˩-gi˩dzɤ˩ se˩
- to walk towards the south
- 往南方走
ʝi˧zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ / ɭɯ˧ calf. 小牛. animal.
- ʝi˧zo˧ tʰv˧-ɭɯ#˥
- 那头小牛
ʝi˩bv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: v˧ pockmarked_person. 麻子. society.
- ʝi˩bv˩-ʝi˧ʈv˩ʈv˩
- same meaning
- 同上
ʝi˩bv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ bull. 公牛. animal.
ʝi˩di˩-mi˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ classifier: pʰo˧˥ heifer. 小牝牛. animal.
ʝi˩mi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ cow. 母牛. animal.
- ʝi˩mi˩-ʐɤ˥qo˩
- cow and calf
- 母牛与小牛
ʝi˩næ˩-se˧ noun Tone: L-M.
From: Chinese
. Kunming/Yunnan. 云南/昆明. place name.
- sɯ˧pʰi˧ | ʝi˩næ˩-se˧-qo˧ hɯ˧-ɲi˥!
- The (feudal) lord has gone to Kunming!
- 土司到昆明去了!
ʝi˩ŋɤ˧˥ verb Tone: LM+MH#.
to_bend_backwards. 往后仰. verb.
- ʝi˩ŋɤ˧-ze˥
- 往后仰了
- ʝi˩ŋɤ˧˥ | tʰi˧-dzi˩
- to be seated leaning backwards, to lean against the back of one's seat
- 坐着往后仰
ʝi˩qʰv˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ sleeve. 袖子. clothing.
ʝi˩ʈʂæ˧˥ noun Tone: LM+MH#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ waist. 腰. body.
ʝi˩˥ noun Tone: LH.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ spot. 痘痘. body.
- ʝi˩ tʰv˩˥
- to have spots, to get pimples
- 出痘痘