Index |
ɬ |
ɬɑ˧mv˥$ ɬɑ˧pɤ˩ ɬɑ˧sɑ˧ ɬɑ˧tɑ˥ ɬɑ˧tsʰo#˥ ɬɑ˧˥ ɬi˥
ɬi˧bo#˥ ɬi˧bv˧ ɬi˧bv˧-mi#˥ ɬi˧bv˧-zo#˥ ɬi˧bv˩ | dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-si#˥ ɬi˧di˩ ɬi˧di˩-hĩ˩ ɬi˧dʑɯ˩ ɬi˧gv#˥ ɬi˧hĩ#˥ ɬi˧hĩ#˥ ɬi˧ki#˥ ɬi˧ki˥ ɬi˧mi˧ ɬi˧mi˧ ɬi˧mi˧dɑ˧dzɯ#˥ ɬi˧ɳæ˩ ɬi˧pæ˥ ɬi˧pi˩ ɬi˧pv˧lv˥ ɬi˧pʰv#˥ ɬi˧qʰæ#˥ ɬi˧qʰv#˥ ɬi˧ʈv˥ ɬi˩ ɬi˩
ɬi˩bi˩ ɬi˩qʰwɤ˩ ɬi˩ʁɑ˩ ɬi˩ʈɯ˩mæ˥ ɬi˩zo˩ ɬi˧˥ ɬo˥ ɬo˧kʰv˧ ɬo˧pɤ˥ ɬo˧pv˥ ɬo˧tɑ˧ ɬo˧tɑ˧-ɬo˩ɲi˩ ɬo˩kɤ˩ ɬo˩tsʰe˩mæ˥ ɬo˧˥ ɬv˧gv#˥ ɬv˧mi˧mæ˧dv˧mi#˥ ɬv˧ʁwɤ#˥
ɬv˩pʰæ˩˥ ɬv˧˥
ɬɑ˧mv˥$ noun Tone: H$.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
ɬɑ˧pɤ˩ adverb Tone: L#.
a_lot/hard. 多. morphosyntax.
- ɬɑ˧pɤ˩ ʝi˩
- to work hard, to work in a concentrated manner
- 使劲工作、使劲干
- ɬɑ˧pɤ˩ | ɖɯ˧-kʰwɤ˧ ʝi˧
- to work hard for a while, to get some solid work done
- 使劲工作一下
- ɬɑ˧pɤ˩ | ɖɯ˧-kʰwɤ˧ so˥
- to study hard, to make headway in one's studies
- 努力学习一下
ɬɑ˧sɑ˧ noun Tone: M.
Lhasa. 拉萨. place name.
ɬɑ˧tɑ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ jerkin. 皮革背心. object.
ɬɑ˧tsʰo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
feminine_given_name. 女性名字. given name.
ɬɑ˧˥ adjective Tone: MH.
numerous. 多. adjective.
- dʑɤ˩-hĩ˩˥, | le˧-ɳɯ˥! | mɤ˧-dʑɤ˩-hĩ˩, | le˧-ɬɑ˧˥!
- Good ones are few! Not-so-good ones are numerous! (Context: discussing universities, among which high-school graduates choose.)
- 好的,不多!不好的,就很多了!(情景:谈高中学生想入大学)
ɬi˥ verb Tone: H.
to_rest. 休息. verb.
- le˧-ɬi˥
classifier Tone: Mb.
. classifier.
ɬi˧bo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ deaf_person. 聋子. society.
- ɬi˧bo˧-hĩ˧
- deaf person
- 耳朵聋的人
ɬi˧bv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: v˧ Bai. 白族. ethnic groups.
ɬi˧bv˧-mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ Bai_woman. 白族女人. ethnic groups.
ɬi˧bv˧-zo#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ Bai_man. 白族男人. ethnic groups.
ɬi˧bv˩ | dʑɤ˩tsʰi˧-si#˥ noun Tone: L# | LM+#H.
Chinese_toon. 香椿. plant.
ɬi˧di˩ noun Tone: L#.
Yongning. 永宁. place name.
ɬi˧di˩-hĩ˩ noun Tone: L#-.
classifier: v˧ people_of_Yongning. 永宁人. ethnic groups.
ɬi˧dʑɯ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: kʰɯ˩ river_of_Yongning. 永宁坝子的河流. natural environment.
ɬi˧gv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
middle. 中间. space.
- ɬi˧gv˧ dzi˥
- to sit in the centre
- 坐在中间
ɬi˧hĩ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
man_in_middle_position_among_siblings. 兄弟里面夹中的男孩. society.
ɬi˧hĩ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
inhabitant_of_Yongning. 永宁人. society.
ɬi˧ki#˥ noun Tone: #H.
village_name. 一个村落. place name.
- ɬi˧ki˧, | ɲi˧se˩, | tɑ˧dzi˩, | mv˧qʰwæ˩, | lɑ˧tʰɑ˧-di˧˥
Villages that one passes when moving away from the Yongning plain, towards Lugu lake. These villages do not count as part of Yongning proper. The last,
, is not a village name like the preceding four: it refers to the entire Na area beyond the fourth village.
- 永宁到泸沽湖所经过的村落,依次是:里格、尼赛、大祖、木垮,然后到拉塔地(拉塔地指的是泸沽湖周边的摩梭地区,包括左所、洛水村等)
ɬi˧ki˥ noun Tone: H#.
ritual_for_boys_coming_of_age. 穿裤礼. religion.
ɬi˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ moon. 月亮. natural environment. month. 月.
- ɬi˧mi˧ ɖɯ˧-gi˥
- half a month
- 半个月
- ɬi˧mi˧ le˧-gv˩
- the latter half of the month; literally 'the declining half of the month'
- 下半月份
ɬi˧mi˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: v˧ female_roebuck. 母獐子. animal.
ɬi˧mi˧dɑ˧dzɯ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ʂɯ˩ classifier: fois lunar_eclipse. 月蚀. natural environment.
- ɬi˧mi˧dɑ˧dzɯ˧ tʰv˧
- there is a lunar eclipse
- 有月蚀
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ɬi˧mi˧dɑ˧dzɯ˧ ɲi˥!
- This is a lunar eclipse! (Answer to the question 'What is happening? / What is that supposed to mean?')
- 这是月蚀!(一个人问:‘这是怎么回事?’,另一个回答:‘这是月蚀!’)
ɬi˧ɳæ˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: ɬi˧ classifier: mois menses. 月经. body.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ɬi˧ɳæ˩-ze˩
- She is having her menses.
- 她来了月经。
- ɬi˧ɳæ˩ go˩
- to have painful menses
- 来了月经,疼
ɬi˧pæ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: dze˩ classifier: paire earring. 耳环. clothing.
- ŋv˩-ɬi˩pæ˥ (+ɲi˩)
- silver earring
- 银耳环
- hæ̃˩-ɬi˩pæ˥ (+ɲi˩)
- gold earring
- 金耳环
ɬi˧pi˩ noun Tone: L#.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ ear. 耳朵. body.
ɬi˧pv˧lv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ pathological_excrescence_of_the_ear. 耳朵瘤. body.
ɬi˧pʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: v˧ classifier: ɭɯ˧ classifier: mi˩ male_roebuck. 公獐子. animal.
- ɬi˧pʰv˧ tʰv˧-mi˥# / ɬi˧pʰv˧ tʰv˧-mi˧˥
- 那只公獐子
ɬi˧qʰæ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ earwax. 耳垢. body.
ɬi˧qʰv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ auditory_canal. 耳孔. body.
- ʈʂʰɯ˧ | ɬi˧qʰv˧ | ɖɯ˧-pi˧˥ | tʰɑ˩˥!
- She has a sensitive ear! (Context: about a 2-year old girl who wakes up from her siesta as soon as guests come in.)
- 她耳朵很好使! / 她耳朵很尖!(情景:一有客人到家的声音,睡午觉的两岁女孩子立即醒来。)
ɬi˧ʈv˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: po˧ Asiatic_plantain. 车前草. plant.
ɬi˩ verb Tone: La.
to_count_armspans. 量(庹). verb.
- ɬi˩-se˥ (-ze˩)
- 量完(了)
ɬi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: pʰo˧˥ classifier: mi˩ roebuck. 獐子. animal.
classifier Tone: Lb.
. classifier.
- tsʰe˧-ɬi˧
- 10 spans, 10 armspreads
- 十庹
ɬi˩bi˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ turnip. 萝卜. plant.
ɬi˩qʰwɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ trousers. 裤子. clothing.
ɬi˩ʁɑ˩ adjective Tone: L.
infuriated. 大发雷霆. adjective.
- ɬi˩ʁɑ˩ ʝi˧
- to abandon oneself to one's rage
- 大发雷霆
ɬi˩ʈɯ˩mæ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
classifier: kʰwɤ˥ lower_part_of_main_room. 主屋里面没有火铺的地方. house.
- wo˧=ɻ˩, | kʰv˩mi˩ ʈʂʰɯ˩-jɤ˥ | ɖɯ˧-njɤ˧-zo˥ | ɬi˩ʈɯ˩mæ˥ hĩ˩ dʑo˩.
- Us (=in our family), this dog is often seated in the lower part of the room.
- 我们家这只狗经常呆在主屋火塘下面的地方。
ɬi˩zo˩ noun Tone: L.
baby_roebuck. 小獐子. animal.
ɬi˧˥ verb Tone: MH.
to_dry_in_the_sun. 晒干. verb.
- le˧-pv˧ tʰi˧-ɬi˧˥
- to put in the sun to dry
- 晒干
ɬo˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ rib. 肋骨. body.
- bo˩ɬo˧
- pork rib
- 猪肋骨
ɬo˧kʰv˧ noun Tone: M.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ hip. 胯. body. Syn: ɬo˩tsʰe˩mæ˥
ɬo˧pɤ˥ noun Tone: H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ blister. 水泡. body.
- ɬo˧pɤ˥ qʰwæ˩-ze˩!
- (I/you/(s)he) got a blister!
- 起了水泡!
- ɬo˧pɤ˥ | ɖɯ˧-ɭɯ˧ | qʰwæ˧-ze˥!
- (I/you/(s)he) got a blister!
- 起了一个水泡!
- ɬo˧pɤ˥ | ʁo˩-po˥-ɳɯ˩ | ʈʂe˩˥
- to pierce a blister with a needle
- 用针来扎水泡
ɬo˧pv˥ noun Tone: H#.
kow_tow. 磕头. religion.
- ɬo˧pv˥ ti˩
- to kow-tow
- 跪下磕头
- ɬo˧pv˥ | le˧-ti˩
- to kow-tow
- 跪下磕头
See: ɬo˧˥1
ɬo˧tɑ˧ preposition Tone: M.
beside. 旁边. space.
- ɬo˧tɑ˧ ɻ˩
- to turn to the side
- 向侧面转
- ʁo˧qʰwɤ˩ | ɬo˧tɑ˧ | go˩˥
- to have a headache; one's temples are throbbing (literally: 'to hurt on the sides of the head')
- 头疼,太阳穴阵痛
ɬo˧tɑ˧-ɬo˩ɲi˩ adverb Tone: °L.
in_the_vicinity. 附近. space.
ɬo˩kɤ˩ noun Tone: L.
classifier: kɤ˧˥ rib. 肋骨. body.
ɬo˩tsʰe˩mæ˥ noun Tone: L+H#.
classifier: ɭɯ˧ hip. 胯. body. Syn: ɬo˧kʰv˧
ɬo˧˥ adjective Tone: MH.
deep. 深. adjective.
ɬv˧gv#˥ noun Tone: #H.
ritual_offering_on_7th_day_after_cremation. 火葬后第七天的送食物仪式. religion.
ɬv˧mi˧mæ˧dv˧mi#˥ noun Tone: #H.
classifier: mi˩ praying_mantis. 螳螂. animal.
- ɬv˧mi˧mæ˧dv˧mi˧ tʰv˧-mi˧˥ / ɬv˧mi˧mæ˧dv˧mi˧ tʰv˧-mi˥#
- 那只螳螂
ɬv˧ʁwɤ#˥ noun Tone: #H.
village_name. 村落名. place name.
verb Tone: La.
to_hold_in_the_mouth. 含. verb.
- tso˧~tso˧ ɬv˥
- to hold something in the mouth, to have something in the mouth (context: a small child who does not yet know to distinguish between food and non-edible stuff puts things in its mouth)
- 含在嘴里(情景:一个小孩把不能吃的东西含在嘴巴里)
adjective Tone: La.
warm. 暖和. adjective.
- dʑɤ˩˥ | ɬv˩˥
- nice and warm
- 温暖
- ɖwæ˧˥ | ɬv˩˥
- 很暖和
- ɬv˩-hĩ˩˥
- 温暖的
verb Tone: La.
Etym: ɬv˩a 2. to_warm. 热(饭). verb.
- hɑ˧ ɬv˧˥
- to warm up rice / food
- 热饭
- hɑ˧ | le˧-ɬv˩
- to warm up rice / food
- 热饭
- hɑ˧ | ɖɯ˧-ɬv˧~ɬv˥-ɻ˩
- to warm up food a little
- 饭热一热
ɬv˩pʰæ˩˥ adjective
nice_and_warm. 温暖. adjective.
ɬv˧˥ noun Tone: MH.
classifier: ʈv˩ brains. 脑子. body. marrow. 骨髓.