Corpus naxi

Le naxi est parlé au nord-ouest de la province chinoise du Yunnan, dans les environs de la première boucle du fleuve Yang-tzé (扬子江), le fleuve Bleu, que la tradition chinoise appelle le Long Fleuve 长江 ou simplement le Fleuve (江). 

Le naxi fait partie du sous-groupe na-ish du sino-tibétain, aux côtés du na (mosuo) et d'autres parlers moins connus tels que le lazé. Le nombre de locuteurs du naxi est de l'ordre de 200.000, mais la langue est en voie de remplacement par le mandarin du sud-ouest. Au début des années 2000, les média locaux peinaient à trouver, parmi les écoliers et collégien·ne·s naxi de la ville de Lijiang, un enfant qui pût dire quelques mots dans cette langue.

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DOI Type Transcription(s) Durée Titre Chercheur(s) Locuteur(s)
doi 00:03:58 Fille unique Michaud, Alexis He, Wenjian — 和文建
doi 00:03:06 Toad child Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:36:42 Ge A-Gan raconte son expérience des rituels to-mba Michaud, Alexis Ge, A-Gan — 戈阿干
doi 00:08:58 Lecture commentée des premières pages d’un rituel central de la tradition naxi : le culte du Ciel (en naxi romanisé: mee byq) Michaud, Alexis Ge, A-Gan — 戈阿干
doi 01:06:06 Récit de vie de Ge A-Gan Michaud, Alexis Ge, A-Gan — 戈阿干
doi 00:01:10 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:03:05 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:08:26 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:07:04 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:07:28 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:05:39 Naxi songs from Tacheng, by Ms. XIAO Rulian Michaud, Alexis Xiao, Rulian — 肖汝莲
doi 00:01:26 Learning 'Heq Shul': how He Limin learnt the ritual and copied the book Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:11:06 Learning scriptures: an account by He Limin of how he learnt the Naxi traditions, and the Naxi script. Michaud, Alexis He, Limin
doi 00:05:52 Lifespan: How man and chicken exchanged their lifespan. Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:01:26 Sister: the story of two siblings, explaining the origin of a ritual conducted by a woman's relatives when she passes away Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:05:22 Svq Ggvq: A Naxi ritual, chanted by He Limin (M7) Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:22:20 Heq Shul: A Naxi ritual, chanted by He Limin (M7) Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:01:22 Heq Shul Manuscript: On the process of copying a manuscript as one learns a ritual Michaud, Alexis 和力民 — He, Limin
doi 00:09:25 A dance to the sound of the cucurbit flute, 葫芦丝 Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:13:47 Song sung outside while dancing in a round. (First part) Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:05:44 Song sung outside while dancing in a round. (Second part) Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:06:33 Song sung outside while dancing in a round, to the Lijiang Naxi tune of "A-Li-Li" Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:00:57 Song sung indoor by two young women Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:13:10 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:07:06 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:13:09 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:11:10 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:07:09 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:19:12 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:02:43 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:03:05 Song sung indoor by a young woman Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:33:28 Song sung indoor; one person improvises a sentence, and the group takes it up Elderly Persons' Association of Sanba village, Xianggelila prefecture, Yunnan, China — 中国云南香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡老龄协会
doi 00:08:01 Toad child (version 2) Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:01:00 A short joke 1 Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:00:33 A short joke 1 (edited) Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:01:13 A short joke 2 Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:01:03 A short joke 2 (edited) Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:03:33 A short joke 3 Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:03:09 A short joke 3 (edited) Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:04:12 Fille unique (version 2) Michaud, Alexis He, Wenjian — 和文建
doi 00:10:18 The Naxi priest He Xuewen reads the Great Prayer to the Wind He, Xuewen — 和学文
doi 00:06:52 The Naxi priest He Xuewen chants the Great Prayer to the Wind He, Xuewen — 和学文
doi 00:03:33 Ballad about hunting (Romanized Naxi: Kee Keel; IPA: /kʰɯ˧kʰɯ˥/) Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:04:56 Life Story: Naxi singer Li Xiuxiang's account of her life course Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:05:50 Lv Bber Lv Ssaq: A passage from the ritual for lovers who committed suicide Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:05:52 The Great Prayer to the Wind, sung in the "GuQi" style. Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:02:08 Xuq Jjil (ɕy˩ ndʑi˥): Blessings (popular Naxi songs). Singing style: wɤ˧-mə˧-ndɑ˩. Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:03:14 A Li Li: A Naxi singing style of Post-1949 Lijiang Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:09:09 Jew's Harp: the Naxi singer Li Xiuxiang (1945-) plays the Jew's harp (in Naxi: mbɑ˧zi˧ʝi˧). The performance is accompanied by explanations in Naxi and in Chinese. Li, Xiuxiang — 李秀香
doi 00:12:23 Le Perroquet et les Mainates: chanson improvisée dans le style "A-li-li" He, Xuemin — 和学敏 — 2nd and 3rd singers: anonymous — 第二、三名歌手:匿名
doi 00:01:47 Explication de la chanson "Le Perroquet et les Mainates", chanson improvisée dans les style "Gu-Qi" et "A-li-li". Consultant: M17. He, Xuemin — 和学敏
doi 00:04:32 Le Perroquet et les Mainates: chanson improvisée dans le style "Guqi" He, Xuemin — 和学敏 — 2nd and 3rd singers: anonymous — 第二、三名歌手:匿名
doi 00:07:36 Chant d'amour. Style: wɤ˧-mə˧-ndɑ˩. Consultants: M17 et M32.. He, Xuemin — 和学敏 — M32 [anonymous]
doi 00:01:05 Explication qui précède la chanson d'amour chantée par M32 et M17. M32 [anonymous]
doi 00:02:26 Chant dans le style "Gu-Qi". Consultant: M32. M32 [anonymous]
doi 00:05:19 Six histoires du filou /ə˧ʝi˩ɳɖə˞˧/ Michaud, Alexis He, Wenjian — 和文建
doi 00:56:44 Ciending read vocabulary: reading of the first pages of a vocabulary list of Ciending Naxi by Xu Jirong, who is the author of the list and a native speaker Michaud, Alexis Xu, Jirong — 徐继荣
doi 00:07:00 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Careful'; with a topic marker following the target item Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:08:41 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:08:54 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Impatient'; with a topic marker following the target item Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:02:37 Monosyllabic words with Rising tone read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Careful' Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:02:48 Monosyllabic words with Rising tone read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:02:53 Monosyllabic words with Rising tone read in carrier sentence by consultant M5; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis He, Yong — 和涌
doi 00:08:58 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M7; reading condition: 'Careful' Michaud, Alexis He, Limin — 和力民
doi 00:08:15 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M7; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis He, Limin — 和力民
doi 00:08:17 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M9; reading condition: 'Careful' Michaud, Alexis Mu, Chen — 木琛
doi 00:08:27 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant M9; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis Mu, Chen — 木琛
doi 00:06:33 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant F2; reading condition: 'Careful' Michaud, Alexis He, Jiezhen — 和洁珍
doi 00:05:27 Monosyllabic words read in carrier sentence by consultant F2; reading condition: 'Impatient' Michaud, Alexis He, Jiezhen — 和洁珍
doi 00:08:56 Family story: a narrative about the consultant's life course so far Michaud, Alexis — He, Likun 和丽昆 — He, Likun
doi 01:00:28 Syllabic inventory: recording of a table of attested syllables Michaud, Alexis — He, Likun 和丽昆 — He, Likun
doi 00:10:44 Origine: le mythe d'origine des Naxi Michaud, Alexis 和沁 — He, Qin