Le birman
Glottocode : nucl1310 ISO 639-3 : mya
Langue nationale et officielle de la République de l’Union du Myanmar (également connu en français sous le nom de Birmanie), le Birman est parlé exclusivement au Myanmar, par environ trente-deux millions[1] de locuteurs comme langue maternelle, sur une population totale de plus de 54 millions[2] d’habitants, soit bien plus de la moitié de la population. En outre, vu que le Birman a été pendant très longtemps la principale (et seule) langue d’instruction (i.e. enseignée officiellement dans les écoles et universités centralisées de l’Etat), une dizaine de millions d’habitants le parlent comme seconde langue ou le comprennent.
[1] 36 millions de locuteurs, selon Wikipedia anglais : Languages of Myanmar – 22 décembre 2020
[2] Cf. Worldometers.info (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/myanmar-population/)
DOI | Type | Transcription(s) | Durée | Titre | Chercheur(s) | Locuteur(s) | Date |
00:40:44 | Acoustic record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2015-03-07 | ||
00:10:58 | Acoustic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (01) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-08-05 | ||
00:10:11 | Acoustic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (02) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-08-05 | ||
00:29:56 | Video record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (01) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-07-22 | ||
00:13:31 | Video record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (02) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-07-22 | ||
00:19:55 | Video record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2013-06-04 | ||
00:24:40 | Video record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2013-06-04 | ||
00:19:01 | Acoustic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2015-03-07 | ||
00:03:53 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (01) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-06-19 | ||
00:03:59 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (02) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-06-19 | ||
00:03:23 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (03) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-06-19 | ||
00:03:59 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Hla Myat (04) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hla Mya | 2013-06-19 | ||
00:01:52 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (01) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:56 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (02) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:57 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (03) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:53 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (04) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:02:03 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (05) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:02:00 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (06) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:02:03 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (07) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:43 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (08) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:57 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (09) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:57 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (10) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:29 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (11) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:01:27 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker San San Hnin Tun (12) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Hnin Tun, San San | 2016-01-26 | ||
00:03:47 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (01) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:37 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (02) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:54 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (03) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:47 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (04) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:44 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (05) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:52 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (06) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:46 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (07) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:26 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (08) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:01:19 | Aerodynamic record of a Burmese speaker Thae Thinzar Oo (09) | Chirkova, Katia — Amelot, Angélique — Basset, Patricia | Thae Thinzar Oo | 2014-12-01 | ||
00:41:54 | En route pour les USA | Hnin Tun, San San | ZHC | 2010-03-11 | ||
00:19:36 | Narration d'une bagarre | Hnin Tun, San San | PL — Homme agé | 2009 | ||
00:01:41 | L'histoire d'une pagode à Bagan | Jenny, Mathias — Hnin Tun, San San | Pu — Kyaw | 2011-07 | ||
00:04:56 | L'histoire du roi Alaunsithu | Jenny, Mathias — Hnin Tun, San San | Pu — Way | 2011-07 | ||
00:09:11 | L'histoire de Myinkaba | Jenny, Mathias — Hnin Tun, San San | Anonyme | 2012-01 | ||
00:12:15 | La vie à Myinkaba | Jenny, Mathias — Hnin Tun, San San | Anonyme1 — Anonyme2 — Anonyme3 | 2012-01 | ||
01:37:52 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 023, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:03:17 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 024, face Aa | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:22:32 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 024, face Ab | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:00:27 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 025, face Aa | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:08:46 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 025, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:48:56 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 026, face Aa | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
01:04:33 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 027, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1964-09 | ||
01:05:14 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 027, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1964-09 | ||
00:58:31 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 028, face A | Bernot, Denise | start=1964-09; end=1964-10 | ||
00:43:36 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 028, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1964-10 | ||
01:07:01 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 029, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1964-11 | ||
00:15:37 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 029, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1964-11 | ||
01:03:37 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 044, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1966 | ||
00:59:24 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 044, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1966 | ||
00:22:45 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 065, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1966-01 | ||
01:08:25 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 065, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1966-01 | ||
01:08:30 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 066, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1966-01 | ||
00:10:12 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 066, face Ba | Bernot, Denise | 1966 | ||
01:09:49 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1966, bande 066, face Bb | Bernot, Denise | 1966-01 | ||
00:38:10 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman/maru, 1968, bande 030, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1968-07 | ||
01:02:06 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman [yaw], taungtha, 1968, bande 069, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1968-08 | |||
01:02:43 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, taungtha, 1968, bande 069, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1968-08 | |||
00:15:55 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1958, bande 057, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1958-03 | ||
00:16:11 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1958, bande 057, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1958-03 | ||
00:18:30 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1958, bande 058, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1958-03 | ||
00:46:25 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1961, bande 050, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1961-08 | ||
00:46:01 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1961, bande 050, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1961 | ||
00:33:40 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1962, bande 051, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1962 | ||
00:12:23 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1962, bande 051, face Ba | Bernot, Denise | 1962 | ||
00:19:50 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1962, bande 052, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1962-11 | ||
00:52:28 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1967, 1972, bande 068, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1967-11-08 | ||
00:10:48 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1973, bande 071, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1973 | ||
00:12:21 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1973, bande 072, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1973 | ||
00:31:56 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1974, bande 045, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1974 | ||
00:28:27 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1974, bande 045, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1974 | ||
00:26:00 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1976, bande 046, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1976 | ||
00:30:30 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, 1966, 19??, bande 043 | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:07:02 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1961, brenda2 | Bernot, Denise | 1961 | ||
00:15:48 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 025, face Ab | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | ||
00:10:25 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1962, bande 051, face Bb | Bernot, Denise | 1962 | ||
00:10:26 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1962, bande 052, face B | Bernot, Denise | 1962-11 | ||
01:04:12 | Fonds Denise Bernot, birman, 1964, bande 023, face A | Bernot, Denise | 1964 | |||
00:05:56 | Description d'une journée d'écolier_BUR_1964_023A | Bernot, Denise — Vittrant, Alice | 1964 | |||
00:07:00 | Achat d'un billet de bus | Vittrant, Alice | Daw Pu | 2004-08-01 | ||
00:01:10 | Histoire de la tortue Sula 1 | Vittrant, Alice | Aung, Ko | 2005-12 | ||
00:01:15 | Histoire de la tortue Sula 2 | Vittrant, Alice | Hnit Thit Oo, Khin | 2005-11-28 |